摘要: | 自然保護區分類分級準則之研究目的,主要希望於現行法律架構下,訂定客觀之保護區評估準則,以合理規劃土地利用型態,達成資源利用與自然生態保育之雙贏局面。本研究研擬之劃設準則為綜合性之評估,依各類保護資源特性不同而劃設之保護區,則以不同經營管理策略而加以分級,即依據現行法規分為第一級嚴格保護類型、第二級經營保育類型與第三級經營利用類型,其經營管理方式為第一級應採嚴格之保護措施,絕對禁止破壞利用;第二級與第三級則採保護自然資源,可進行復育維護之經營方式。保護區評估準則依據權尺度明細表法,評估參數依性質分為棲地環境,生態統統與科學教育三大類,再視其總體重要性予以加權計量。因係評估自然保護區,故評估權重值分別為棲地環境40%、生態系統40% 與科學教育20%。評估參數「棲地環境」包括面積、棲地歧異性、地形地質、水域環境、氣象特質、土地利用規劃及人為設施7項;「生態系統」包括物種豐富度、歧異度、瀕臨絕滅種類、易受害種類、脆弱性、代表性、變化性、原始性及原生性等,就動、植物生態分別評估之;與「科學教育」包括史蹟人物、古蹟人物、民族文化及教育研究等4項。
Because of the limited land area of Taiwan, delimiting protected areas and restricting land use activities have faced major resistance from local residents. In order to minimize the conflict between interested parties and conservation groups, an objective evaluation method is needed to assess the protected natural areas. The purpose of this study was to set evaluation criteria based on Taiwan's legal structure in order to delimit a site as aproper protected area. The evaluation criteria on were based on the scaling-weighting checklist system and comprised three categories: habitat and physical environment, ecological systems and scientific/educational characteristics. The percentage weights for habitat, ecosystem, and scientific/edcuational were 40%, 40%, and 20%, respectively. The main evaluation parameters of each category were: (1) Habitat and physical environment evaluation parameters included area, site diversity, geographical characters, hydrology, meteorological characteristics, artificial structures, and land use characteristics. (2) Ecological system evaluation parameters included species abundance, diversity, endangered species, fragility, representative species, and origin of both fauna and flora. (3) Scientific/educational evaluation parameters included historical interest, artifacts, and cultural, scientific and educational researh. Three types of protected areas were classified according to the grand index, and the management strategies were strict protection, conservation management, and managed usage. |