Urban Airshed Model (UAM) is a widely used three dimensionals photochemical air quality model in United States in the least 20 years. Case studies proved the UAM calculated the air pollutant concentration change under certain physical and chemical processes by numerical solution are very successful. In this paper, we select an ozone episode in Northern Taiwan and use UAM to simulate the spatial and temporal variations of ozone and to learn the suitableness of UAM in simulating the regional problem in Taiwan. It is found that the time series of the predicted and observed values have the same tendency. In the one-cell search evaluation, the predicted values are somewhat higher than the observed ones. In most area, except to the leeside of terrain, even though the relative error between the calculated and the observed values are up to a quarter or so, the trends of both values are very close and all have "one peak" I one day results. This suggest, that the UAM is a possible tool for simulating the regional pollution event in northern Taiwan.