不飽和聚酯固化劑具有廢料容量高及固化體核種瀝濾率低等優點,但因國內法規 對於廢料固化體之耐燃性訂有要求標準,因此欲推廣應用時,必須先克服一般高分子材料易 燃的缺點。本研究以國產鹵化磷酸酯型耐燃性不飽和聚酯為廢料固化劑,以硫酸鈉粉末及水 泥碎塊為模擬廢料,分別製作成均勻固化體及不均勻填充固化體,進行廢料固化可行性探討 。結果顯示固化體之燃燒含氧指數最高可達 33,超過固化體品質規範要求標準值 28;固化 體之瀝濾指數達 10 以上, 抗壓強度達 300~400kg/cm �插A 均超過法規要求值 6 及 15kg/cm �摒あh;耐水性、耐候性、耐菌性、耐輻射性、自由水含量及桶槽耐腐蝕性等多項 測試也都符合法規要求標準。由固化體之溫度分佈預測結果顯示,不飽和聚酯在聚合硬化過 程中不致產生過高溫度,不會造成固化體龜裂及品質劣化。
Unsaturated polyester is a promising solidification agent for immobilizing low-level radioactive wastes with the advantages of high waste loading and low leaching rate. Referring to the strict regulations, the readily combustible properties of common plastics, however, still have to be improved to meet the domestic requirements for fire resistance before a practical application can be reached. Domestic halogenated unsaturated polyesters were employed as binding agents and sodium sulfate powder and crushed cement forms were treated as simulated radwastes in the present solidificatin studies. Specimens of homogeneous and uniform solidified waste as well as heterogeneous solidified waste were prepared for determining the leachability, mechanical properties, and otehr characteristics. It revealed that the oxygen index of specimens can attain a value up to 33. The specimens also exhibited comprssive strength in a range of 300-400 kg/cm �� and leachability index greater than 10. Test results were much superior to the requirements of the national standard. Other properties of the specimens, characterized by the tests including immersion, thermal cycling, biodegradation resistance, radiation stability, free water content, and corrosion of container, all met the ROC-AEC regulation. The temperature distribution within the full-scale waste form is also predicted by a steady-state conductive heat transfer model. The maximum temperature estimated in the block is acceptable without cracking of the waste form.