"帶電粒子在各種電磁場中之軌道模擬"概述一帶電粒子軌道之電腦模 擬程式的原理及結構,並將之應用於若干電磁場型態,包括相互垂直之均勻磁場 與電場,非均勻但磁力線仍相互平行之磁場,磁鏡及環狀磁場;再藉末二型磁場 內文模擬,簡介控制熱核融合反應之磁圍阻技術的原理。
This paper describes the background and structure of a computer simulation programof the orbits of a charged particle, and simultes a number of important electric andmagnetic field patterns including mutually perpendicular and uniform magnetic andelectric field, nonuniform magnetic field with parallel field lines, magnetic mirrors,and toroidal magnetic field. The last two patterns are then used to demonstrate theprinciple behind the magnetic confinement technique for controled thermonuclear fu-sion.