喬姆斯基的「轉換生成語法」於一九五七年奠基,當中經過不同時期的修正。其 學說不僅是語言學上一大突破, 對心理學、哲學、人工智慧、...... 等領域也有不同程度 的影響。而他的「萬用語法」,適用於世界不同語言。 「樹形連結文法」的產生也受到喬姆斯基學說的衝擊。它屬「新文法」的一支。因其原理源 自數學,許多資訊語言學家將其應用於不同語言,以電腦做語法自動分析。 本文以語言學為出發點,簡介「萬用語法」和「樹形連結文法」的基礎理論,並舉實例,探 討如何將其應用於句法分析上。另將同一組法、英、中文句,放入此兩種模式下作解析,以 觀察、比較其相異處。
The publication of Chomsky's Syntactic structures in 1957 marked the beginning of the "transformational generative grammar". His theory has been modified in the following years. Chomskian theory influences not only on linguistics, but also on psychology, philosophy, artificial intelligence,..., etc. His "Universal Grammar", or UG for short, is the principle of all human languages. Tree Adjoing Grammar (TAG for short) was inspired by UG. A part of the "New Grammars", it issues from mathematics notions. Many computational linguists employ TAG in the research of automatic syntactic analysis of different languages. The major object of this paper is to introduce the basic theory of UG and TAG. The author demonstrates with examples the application of these two models in syntactic analysis. In addition, UG and TAG are used in further syntactic analysis for different languages. In this paper, French, English as well as Chinese are the major objects for the comparison.