全球環境變遷這一名詞的使用,在現今社會當中已廣為流傳,會有這樣的詞彙出現,主要原因乃在當今的時空環境之下,常常發生許多的劇烈自然災害,像是颱風、洪水、乾旱等的氣候型態發生機率大為增加。本研究乃探討受到人為開發之土地利用與未開發之土地利用間的環境變化,並選用臺北氣象站與彭佳嶼氣象站的降水量為主要分析資料,並對其做標準化降雨指數(Standardized Precipitation Index, SPI)來探討受到都市化影響地區與仍保留較為原始環境地區之變化情形。研究發現兩氣象測站的SPI指數波動趨勢大致相同,指數高低亦受季節所影響,此外亦發現在1970年代以後,SPI指數的波動似乎加劇,尤以彭佳嶼測站較為明顯。
Global change is a modern term widely used nowadays due to the frequent occurrence of drastic natural hazards in our present space and environment. These hazards usually associate with such climatic happenings as typhoon, flood and drought. This study, therefore, aims at comparing Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) derived from both Taipei and Peichiayu weather station records, which represents contrast between man-made developed urban environment and naturally preserved environment, respectively. Study results indicate similar fluctuation of SPI at both locations. The maxima and minima vary according to seasons. Since 1970, SPI fluctuates more drastically and becomes more pronounced at Peichiayu station.