摘要: | 之前少有研究致力關注於跨居民和遊客的觀點,探訪地方感差異以及形成地方感原因的研究。本研究分成四個時期進行,運用定性參與觀察、文本分析和定量分析的實證研究,從居民、遊客以及人口統計變項的角度,比較分析地方感的差異,並透過訪談20位當地居民及18位參訪遊客來了解形成地方感的因素。量化分析結果,我們發現,在地方依賴與地方認同,居民的平均得分是最高的。在教育程度上,地方依賴有顯著性差異;而在年齡、居住期限和到訪的次數上,地方依賴與地方認同有顯著性差異。居住時間愈長則地方依賴愈高,然而在地方認同上,居住31-50年的居民大於居住100年以上的居民,從訪談的結果得知這是因為他們參與涉入了地方的活動。從參與觀察、文本分析以及訪談的結果,瞭解到形成淡水地方感的幾個重要因素為獨特的特性、傳統與多元的空間文化、對於土地的經驗、情感以及從古蹟到生活空間的文化傳承與參與活動的經驗價值等。瞭解形成居民與參訪者地方感的可能原因,對於觀光規劃與管理是有所助益的,因此我們建議未來可以延續本研究的結果,發展一套解說導覽活動策略以提升地方感效果,古蹟襲產的管理部門可透過此策略,幫助參訪者發展地方感,並產生維護地方文化襲產的效應。
Little attention has been devoted to the differences of sense of place that work across residents' and visitors' perspectives in the cultural heritage. The paper outlines Tamsui's characteristics, sense of place, and then subject them to an empirical comparative analysis the significant differences in response to residents, visitors and different demographic variables, and map the sense of place ascribed to it. Qualitative participant observation, text analysis and a quantitative analysis will be applied in the empirical study. In addition, in-depth interviews with the 20 residents and 18 tourists were conducted to illustrate the sense of place in Tamsui, with a view to obtaining a better understanding of how such precincts are experienced, and the key features of the precincts that contribute to the sense of Tamsui. The data were obtained through four periods of field visits where unstructured interviews were undertaken. The first period of fieldwork, carried out in July, August and Oct 2009. The second period, carried out in July to August 2010. The third period in October 2011, and the fourth period of fieldwork, undertaken in March and June 2012. We chose 91 participants in residents' and visitors' perspectives who visited historical sites in Tamsui district as our samples and we ultimately established 80 usable responses finally. Using quantitative analysis, we found that in the place dependence and place identity the mean scores of the residents are the highest. There were also significant differences in response to Education toward place dependence. There were significant differences in response to Age, Residence Length and number of times toward place dependence & place identity. The higher place dependence is the longer residence person. But the 31-50 years > Above 100 years toward place identity. It is due to the fact that they are involved in the activities of the place from the interviewer' results. From the results of the qualitative participant observation, text analysis, and in-depth interviews, we concluded that the residents and visitors of cognition and the antecedents of a sense of place are the presentation of natural landscapes, traditional and multiple spatial cultures, the culture of life space, and cultural inheritance, which enhanced the study content with the perspectives of historical sites, life space, and community development activities. By participating in activities, communities can foster the atmosphere and historical memories of a location, which can arouse memory among people, resulting in place dependence and place identity. Derive credible explanations and the possible contributing factors in the formation of sense of place of residents and visitors would be useful for authorities involved in the planning and management of tourism. Future studies may continue to apply and extend the guidance and interpretive activities in a place enhance SOP formation., the management department of the heritage can establish a strategy to promote the development of sense of place, enhance SOP formation and encourage the conservation of local cultural heritage. |