摘要: | 本文企圖從歷史地理學的觀點,分析臺灣近四百年來的開發與發展,依時間序列,由原住民原始農業社會、荷西治臺、明鄭時期、清領時期、日治時期、及戰後時期,根據地理因素及歷史發展,指出一些關鍵歷史事件如何影響到臺灣的發展,以經濟發展為主軸,再論及政治、社會、文化的影響,及空間的發展型態。對學地理的學生,特別是有興趣區域發展的學生,探討像台灣這麼一個小島,如何在不到四百年的時間,從一個原始農業經濟社會蛻變成一個現代化工業社會,成為所謂“新興工業化國家”成員之一,應該是個非常有趣的課題,如前所述,本文只是一個概括性但簡潔的論述,目的使讀者能對臺灣的發展有一概略的認識。
The aim of this paper is trying to analyze, from the viewpoint of historical geography, the past four hundred years' development and growth in Taiwan, during the different period of time-namely from the earliest period of the primitive agricultural economy of the aboriginal tribal society, through the Dutch and the Spanish colonial periods, the Cheng Dynasty period, the Ching Dynasty period, the Japanese rule period, and finally to the Nationalist Chinese Government's (i.e. K.M.T.) rule after the end of the world war two. Based on geographical factors and historical development, this paper has also tried to point out how the historical incidents influenced Taiwan's developments and growth, focusing primarily on the economic development, and, to a lesser extent, its impacts on the political, social, and cultural developments. Besides, discussions are also given to the spatial patterns of these developments. To the students of geography in general, and to those of regional science in particular, it's a very interesting topic to discuss how a small island, such as Taiwan, could be transferred from a primitive agricultural society into a modern industrialized one, being regarded as a member of the so-called "Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)", in less than four hundred years. As aforementioned, this paper is a generalized and simplified descriptions and discussions pertaining to the past four hundred years' development and growth of Taiwan, for the purpose of providing the students, who are the beginners of Taiwan-study, with a simple generalized understanding of Taiwan. |