趙松喬教授在廣闊的地理學領域辛勤耕耘近60年,是公認的中國綜合自然地理學重要奠基人和開拓者,被美譽為“沙漠王”的著名乾旱區研究專家,是卓有建樹的中國農牧交錯帶農業地理學家,他還倡導并實踐了以土地系統和空間分佈與時間演化相結合為主要途徑的綜合地理系統研究,在外國地理研究和海內外學術交流上也做出了卓越的貢獻。他在這些領域的學術成果,以及勤勉進取、經世致用、淡泊名利、寬厚祥和的學者風範, 是中國地理學的寶貴學術遺產,并得到了傳承和發揚光大。
Professor Songqiao Zhao had been working almost 60 years in the broad field of Geography. He is recognized as an important founder and pioneer of integrated physical geography in China. He is a famous expert of arid area research and known as 'the king of the desert'. He is also a famous agricultural geographer with outstanding achievements on the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry zones. He advocated and practiced the study on integrated geographic system through land system and spatial distribution combined with temporal evolution as the main pathways. He had made outstanding contributions in foreign geography research and academic exchanges at home and abroad. His academic achievement in these areas, as well as the scholarliness styles of hardworking and enterprising, statecraft and practice, indifferent to fame and wealth, and generous and peaceful, have become valuable academic heritages of Chinese geography, and inherited and developed.