The physical demand in human locomotion is higher during backward walking compares to forward walking. During backward walking, less compressive force is exerted on patellofemoral joint and on knee; therefore, backward walking can be used as a therapeutic training method for individuals with lower-extremities injures. The unique properties of water (buoyancyand resistance) provide anti-gravity force and prevent sudden impact during exercise, so water exercise may provide opportunities for injured individuals to increase fitness. This study was to compare the differences in muscle activity and gait characteristics of backward and forward walking on land and in water based on a qualitativereview. When walk in water, the buoyancy reduce weight bearing load and the resistance slow the motion; therefore, less impact force exert on muscles and joints. When walking at same intensity, muscle activity was lower during forward walking in water compared to forward walking on land. When walking at the same speed, the metabolic costs, heart rate and RPE were higher during forward walking in water compared with forward walking on land. Also, the muscleactivitywere lower in rectus abdominis, gluteus medius, vastusmedialis, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius during backward walking in water when compared to backward walking on land; however, paraspinal muscles were higher when walk against water current. Backward walking in water maybe usedto increase cardiovascular fitness and strengthenparaspinal muscles for injured individuals.