Giant swing is the basis of swinging group on parallel bars, the correct of technology in order to develop high difficulty swing action, Hence, learning the giant swing move skill is critical to the training for the parallel bars. Relevant literature review as well as the discussion contents of this study, sheds light on the training process of the giant swing training on the parallel bars, which has been classified into two sections: an auxiliary training and the technical training. When learning upside downswing skills, learners shall practice on low auxiliary equipment. Players during practice early giant swing, coach can be hand grip bar pressure in the player's hands; so that players can progressive habit hands clasped parallel bars. In addition, in the case of two-hand bar still hanging increase in body weight (sandbags) and to thereby enhance the two-hand grip force through training, can help to benefit from the implementation of giant swing. Approach appears to reduce the training process palm skin abrasions holes or circumstances, and therefore recommends training three days a week to practice in the rest of the day to day operation of giant swing training should be more appropriate.