Employee workplace deviant behavior was a prevalence of phenomenon in organizations, As a result, it causes an enormous loss for organizations and it jeopardizes the enterprises’ fortune. However, among past empirical research was less focused on goal setting at workplace deviant behavior. Hence, this study was from the view point of participative goal setting, participative goal setting as independent variables, workplace deviant behavior as dependent variables, role ambiguity and felt responsibility as mediator variable, in order to explore the relationship between them.
This study using judgmental sampling questionnaire survey and a total of 320 valid questionnaires were collected. The research findings are as follows: 1. Participative goal setting is negatively related to workplace deviant behavior. 2. Felt responsibility is negatively related to workplace deviant behavior. 3. Role ambiguity is positively related to workplace deviance behavior. This study has practical implication for managers to understand that avoid workplace deviant behavior that to increase employee engages in participative goal setting and reduce impact on the workplace organizations deviant behavior.