摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解臺北地區成年人「來生信念」與「生命意義感」之現況,及檢視不同「個人背景因素」之臺北地區成年人在「來生信念」與「生命意義感」上的差異情形,並探討臺北地區成年人的「來生信念」與「生命意義感」間之相關性。
本研究係採「分層比例」及「滾雪球」方式進行取樣,選取居住於臺北地區(臺北市、新北市)之成年人為調查對象,正式施測樣本為400份,回收390份,回收率達97.5%,去除無效樣本,實得有效樣本384份,有效回收率96.0%。所使用之研究工具包括:「個人背景資料表」、「來生信念量表」及「生命意義感量表」,施測所得資料以統計應用軟體SPSS for Windows 22.0進行統計分析。本研究所採取的統計方法有:次數分配與百分比、平均數與標準差、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較及皮爾森積差相關等。本研究結果如下:
(五)「教育程度」較低的臺北地區成年人,比較相信「確信其有」、「審判」、「救贖」、「因果報應」、「自然法則」、「天堂」、「地 獄」、「輪迴投胎」、「另一個人間」、「成神變鬼」的說法。
The purpose of the study is to understand the current situation of the adults’s “afterlife beliefs” and “meaning in life” in Taipei area, and also examine the difference in respectively “afterlife beliefs” and “meaning in life ” for the adults with different “personal background factors” in Taipei area. In addition, this study explore the correlation between “afterlife beliefs” and “meaning in life” of the adults in Taipei area.
By stratified proportional sampling and snowball sampling, this study chose the adults living in Taipei area (Taipei City and New Taipei City) as the subjects. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed in the formal survey, and 390 samples were retrieved, with a return rate of 97.5%. After eliminating invalid samples, there were 384 valid samples, with a valid return rate of 96.0%. The research instruments included the “Questionnaire on Personal Background Data, QPBD”, the “Scale of Afterlife Beliefs, SAB” and the “Scale of Meaning in Life, SML”. The SPSS for Windows 22.0 was used for statistical analyses of frequency distribution and percentage, mean and standard deviation, one-sample t test, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post hoc comparison, Pearson product-moment correlation. The research results are as follows:
1. Afterlife beliefs of the adults in Taipei area
1) The adults in Taipei area tend to believe the afterlife, the retributive justice and the judgment. Moreover, they consider that people will enter the hell or the heaven in the afterlife.
2) More female adults in Taipei area believe that people will enter the heaven in the afterlife than male adults.
3) The older adults in Taipei area tend to believe in such ideas as afterlife, judgment, salvation, retributive justice, heaven and hell.
4) The unmarried adults in Taipei area tend to believe that their afterlife will be decided by the laws of nature.
5) The adults with lower education level in Taipei area tend to believe in such ideas as afterlife, judgment, salvation, retributive justice, laws of nature, heaven, hell, samsara, another world, become immortals and ghosts.
6) The difference of belief in the afterlife is significant among the adults in Taipei area with different religious.
7) The adults in Taipei area with higher participation rate of religious activities have stronger belief in the afterlife.
2. Meaning in life of the adults in Taipei area
1) The adults’s sense of the meaning of life in Taipei area tends to the positive situation. They fell that self of the sense of life meaning has the meaning and value.
2) The older adults in Taipei area could sense the positive connotations of spirituality.
3) The adults with higher education level in Taipei area have more positive in sense of the meaning of life.
4) The adults in Taipei area with religious beliefs have more positive in sense of the meaning of life.
5) The adults in Taipei area with higher participation rate of religious activities have more positive in sense of the meaning of life.
6) The adults in Taipei area who have been caught in major diseases have negatively of the meaning of life in the aspect of physical and mental health.
3. The correlation of the adults’s afterlife beliefs and meaning in
life in Taipei area
1) The relationship between afterlife beliefs and meaning in life of the adults in Taipei area shows a significant low to moderate correlation.
2) The adults in Taipei area with afterlife beliefs have more positive in sense of the meaning of life.
3) The adults in Taipei area who don’t believe the afterlife have more
negative in sense of the meaning of life. They don’t fell that self
of the sense of life meaning has the meaning and value.
According to the finding and conclusion in this study, it is suggested that male adults take a greater number of courses relating to life education so that they could find the ways to settle down and get on with one's pursuit. Secondly, the older adults are reminded to develop a more rational attitude and make careful evaluations before devoting themselves actively into religious practices. They are also advised to come into contact and attend more faithful religious activities with an open and inclusive attitude. Lastly, the older adults should be brave to share their own experiences, by which younger people could be facilitated in learning life lessons. It is moreover suggested that religious groups guide the followers to integrate the religious beliefs into their lives by providing and participating in social services, and offer courses on life education to reinforce their realization and experience of the nature of life. Schools, relevant government authorities or mentoring services should be cautioned against planning courses that are too academic. Instead, they should integrate the core values of the various religions into the courses and guide the learners to the essence of these beliefs. They are also suggested to offer courses relating to life education and spiritual growth to enhance the meaning of life for individuals. In response to the increasingly aging society, it is advised that government should strengthen the life education for the elderly besides continuing with "respite care service" to improve the living quality of the caregivers in the family, so that the elderly could be facilitated in their exploration into the truth of life, the summary of life memories, the planning of future life, thus completing the journey of life with satisfaction. |