摘要: | 司馬庫斯部落是位於新竹縣尖石鄉的泰雅族部落,近年來因發現神木群,開始發展生態旅遊成為一著名的觀光景點。該部落為求發展均衡,經部落長老討論決議實行共同經營管理制度,該制度自2001年以來,發展已逾十年,途中不免經過難題及遭遇挫折,但在族人共同的努力下此制度不僅更加嚴謹且配套措施也趨於完善,也將共同經營演變成為土地共有、共享,以全族人的力量抵抗土地的分化。本研究透過相關文獻分析、深度訪談來證實司馬庫斯部落實行共同經營管理模式10年來是否屬於成功,以及對於此制度現況及面臨的課題做出建議及SWOT分析,提出未來發展可能需要突破的困境,並探討此模式是否值得其他原住民部落發展時的借鏡。
Smangus is a burgeoned ecotourism landscape located at Hsinchu County, it is celebrated for the Atayal cultures as well as the divine trees. For balancing the economic development and natural environment, the elders of tribe determined to implement a cooperative system Co-Management Model from 2001. For decades, this system brings advantages to Smangus and simultaneously confronts some difficulties, the study is to discuss how Co-Management Model success and what difficulties would be encountered with in the future by analyzing with relevant literature, in-depth interviews, and SWOT analysis. The results would become a paradigm for the development of aboriginal tribes.
The results demonstrate that Co-Management Model is a type of learning organization that all the members in this system are able to learn and adapt to the complex milieu between self, tribe, and values came from outside Smangus. Furthermore, the core of Co-Management Model is not coming from substantial assets but the organizational capability of man, people is the critical success factor for the institution; by maintaining manpower, Co-Management Model is capable of controlling, creating, and enforcing the superiority of Smangus.
As for the suggestions, the study recommends that the modern or contemporary design of space and landscapes should be replaced with Atayal-cultural style to appeal to more tourists. Smangus tribe could try to cooperative with other tribes adjacent to one and another, to interflow scarce resources. Smangus could disseminate the idea of Co-Management Model to the tribes neighbored in order to reinforce the efficacy of cooperation. Moreover, Smangus could recruit the professionals who are familiar with traditional tribal cultures, ecotourism business, environmental protection, and space planning, to formulate an overall Smangus planning. Finally, the study suggests the organizational structure of Co-Management Model should be changed to a flat organization that all the members’ ideas and proposals could be admitted into leadership’s considerations. |