摘要: | 本研究旨在了解父母教養態度與國小學童自我概念的現況,並考驗不同性別、年級、出生序、家庭結構及家庭社經地位的國小學童在父母教養態度與自我概念的差異情形。同時,探討父母教養態度與國小學童自我概念的相關性。
本研究採立意研究方式,針對新北市鶯歌區建國國小學高年級全體學童進行調查,共發出問卷 349 份,回收問卷 334 份,回收率 95.7%,其中回收有效問卷 321 份,回收有效率 96.1%。以「基本資料調查表」、「父母教養態度量表」、「國小兒童自我概念量表」為研究工具,以百分比、次數分配、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較、皮爾森積差相關為統計方法。茲將研究結論說明如下:
1. 父母教養態度現況分析中,平均數最高的前五項皆為分量表「開明權威」中之題項,顯示本研究之國小學童父母教養態度大多以鼓勵、尊重、開明的教養態度為主。
2. 不同性別、年級、出生序、家庭結構及家庭社經地位學童的父母教養態度有顯著差異存在。
3. 不同性別、年級、出生序、家庭結構及家庭社經地位學童的自我概念有顯著差異存在。
4. 父母教養態度為「開明權威」與自我概念呈正相關。父母教養態度為「專制權威」、「忽視冷漠」與自我概念呈負相關。
This study aims to understand the current status of Parenting attitudes and self-concept of primary school students, and test different gender, grade, birth order, family structure and family socio-economic status of the country's primary school children in Parenting attitudes and self-concept of difference scenarios. At the same time, explore the Parenting attitudes and self-concept of primary school students correlation.
In this study, purposive research methods, carry out investigations into the founding of New Taipei City Yingge District elementary school higher grades of all students, a total of 349 questionnaires were returned 334 questionnaires, 95.7 percent recovery rate, which recovered 321 valid questionnaires, recovery efficiency 96.1%. In "Basic Information Survey", "Parenting Attitude Scale", "national small child Self Concept Scale" as a research tool, as a percentage, the number of distribution, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance, snow fees afterwards compare Pearson product-moment correlation statistical methods. Have the findings as follows:
1. Parenting and attitude analysis, the average of the top five highest subscales are all "open Ming authority "in the title item, display the country's primary school children in this study mostly Parenting Attitude Encouragement, respect, open-minded attitude based education.
2. different gender, grade, birth order, family structure and family socio-economic status of parents of school children There are significant differences rearing attitudes.
3. students of different gender, grade, birth order, family structure and family socio-economic status of self The concept has significant differences.
4. Parenting attitude as "enlightened authority" and self-concept were positively correlated. Parenting state as "autocratic authority", "ignore indifference" was negatively correlated with self-concept.
Finally, the family, educational institutions aspects, social aspects of government units and subsequent relevant recommendations of the study investigators. |