Where there is electricity, there is electromagnetic wave. As the high-tech products bring convenience for modern people, they simultaneously bring electromagnetic wave and it exists in every corner of buildings and spaces anytime and anywhere. To comply with the global trend, the regulations are established to control electromagnetic wave. World Health Organization (WHO) considers that currently the main factor of the effect electromagnetic wave has on human beings cannot be defined as insufficiency of knowledge. The objects of the research are internal and external spaces of two franchise coffee shops, realizing the relations among electromagnetic wave and other affecting factors via investigating electromagnetic wave, analyzing, and comparing.
The research integrates domestic and international related theories, research findings, and electromagnetic wave regulations as the basis of follow-up analysis, and use expert interview method to avoid mistake and improve the accuracy and efficiency of the research. Then, apply to the land division for the current condition map of researching object, and then supplement the base map at the scene, establishing measurement point with the measuring reference of measurement of environmental extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields, radio field and magnetic field published by Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan and referring the suggestions of professional investigators and managing units. The measured altitude of the research is one meter above ground with average grid distribution, recording the measurement data on the research base map with measuring instrument which can simultaneously measure ELF and radio frequency electromagnetic wave during the experiment.
The research indicates that the ELF and radio frequency electromagnetic wave of the two objects compliance with the domestic regulations. Height of the ceiling in leisure space is related to the intensity of ELF; renovation dimension of spaces for special purpose like kitchen and counter is related to ELF electromagnetic wave; density of surfing the internet indoor has no clear relation with ELF and radio frequency electromagnetic wave. Generally, intensity of indoor radio frequency electromagnetic wave is weaker than outdoors because outdoor radio frequency electromagnetic wave can enter indoors through the glass walls and the impact is stronger than indoor wireless internet. The result of questionnaire survey shows electromagnetic wave related knowledge of the general public is insufficient.