俄籍法裔作曲家朱麗葉芋‧柯努斯 (Julius Conus, 1869-1942)的《e小調小提琴協奏曲》於西元1896年所創作,他一生的創作作品不多,這首小提琴協奏曲是他此生唯一一首小提琴協奏曲作品,而此首協奏曲是以奏鳴曲式(sonata form)不間斷的單樂章(one movement)形式所完成的。
第二章和第三章是以單樂章形式,將協奏曲分成 「前奏與呈示部」、「發展部」及「再現部與尾奏」三個章節的樂曲分析與演奏詮釋。第二章著重於本曲目的樂曲分析,探討樂曲的基本架構;第三章著重於樂曲上的詮釋方向與演奏技巧。
Julius Conus, Russian-born French composer, who composed Violin Concerto in E minor. He didn’t compose many pieces in his lifetime. Therefore, this concerto is the only violin concerto during his composing career. This concerto is composed in a sonata form and a continuous one movement form.
The research of concerto in this article analyzes and interprets the piano and violin version. This article has 4 chapters. It introduces the composing background of the concerto that let us fully know the music style of Conus as well as the motivation and purpose of composing this concerto. In addition, it discusses the analysis and interpretation of this concerto.
The first chapter is introduction, and it has 3 sections, including “the motivation and purpose of research”, “province of research” and “composing background and method of research”.
The second and third chapters are music analysis and performance interpretation of the concerto which are separated into prelude, exposition, development, recapitulation and coda in single movement form. The second chapter emphasizes the music analysis and discusses the structure of this concerto. The third chapter emphasizes the way of interpretation and technique of performance of this concerto.
The fourth chapter is conclusion, summing up all the result of this research as the final sort-out and induction.