摘要: | 本文探討集會遊行法修正之方向,依照法理論、執行、與實務運作為出發點,就四個核心議題探討,包括管制模式、禁制區、命令解散、法律責任,共八章,內容如下:
This research seeks to describe the problem ine current legal systtem in Assembly and Parade Act ,It focuses on five major institutions,Including the coutrol models,the for bidden zones,the dispersing power of the authorities , the legal liabilities,and policing protests.this study coprises eight chapters and have many Chapters are as follow:
Chapter one introduce our study motive, purpose methodology, framworks.Chapter two highlight the protection and regulation of the rights to the freedom of assembly and parade. The scope of the definition of public meetings and processions , and to explore ways to adjust the right of assembly and procession on the legal basis and the boundaries of the surface , and to release the spirit of the words of the judge , choose from a balance between the protection of freedom of assembly and to maintain order.Chapter three discuss on Assemblies, Processions and legal history, the article from scholars columns into authoritarian rule, authoritarian transformation, and democratic consolidation period, on the history and legal system to study changes in it.Chapter four research the several States legal system, respectively permit system of the United States and Japan in Tokyo before the filing legal system of Germany, Japan Chiba Prefecture as a legal reference method to modify.Chapter five discuss the status of the existing legal system , in our current law applies if there are problems , and point to the word after release of justice set Assembly and Parade Act what the problem untreated.Chapter six discuss police enforcement , police investigated the relevant laws and practices , to understand the police 's strategy for protesters to discuss control of the police department set up to fight , the use of what is wrong with the current set of Assembly and Parade Act.Chapter seven comment on the Assembly and Parade Act , the Executive Yuan proposed the draft versions and version comparison to the caucus , on four core selected balance between freedom and order.Chapter eight synthesize the foregoing conclusions , summarized the comments made , and to investigate legal jurisprudence should pay attention to the problem outside. |