摘要: | 補習教育業為亞洲國家特殊的教育服務業,提供學校以外的補充教育,而近年來由於少子化的影響與衝擊,在產業競爭激烈的情形下,使得補習教育業的老師們更加需要提升自我能力,並提供更專業的授課與完善的服務,以因應不同的環境變化。因此,本研究選擇以教授英語為主的補習班教師為主題,探討英(美)語補教教師應執行的工作內容與需具備的就業力項目,能夠讓未來有志從事英(美)語補教教師的人才或本身已經在此產業的英(美)語教師作為資料的參考依據,不僅能夠檢視自我並培養就業力,也能夠順利的尋找工作、維持工作及轉換工作。
一、英(美)語補教教師主要需執行的十五項工作內容為「依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度」、「負責教學活動規劃與執行」、「 訂定教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容」、「準備課程教材、課程資料以及課後作業等」、「批改作業及測驗輔導」、「配合參加教師會議、師資培訓課程及教學經驗交流」、「協助英語比賽、節慶及招生活動…等」、「與家長聯繫、互動及溝通」、「與外籍教師溝通與配合教學」、「課後和課業輔導」、「班級經營與秩序控管」、「課後教學成效追蹤」、「學生生活常規及品格教育輔導」、「顧及學生安全」及「在不同類型的班級授課」。
The industry of remedial education is a special industry of education and service in Asian countries and provides the supplementary education. In recent years, due to the influence and impact of decreasing birth rate, and the competitive circumstance in this industry, cram school teachers have to increase their capabilities and supply more professional teaching and complete customer service for coping with the various change of environment.
Therefore, this study selected cram school teachers who taught and worked in the industry of remedial education for topic. It discussed the English remedial education teachers’ job descriptions, contents, responsibilities, and employability. Also, it can become references for talents who already worked at buxiban, or students who want to work at cram school teachers in the future. They can not only do self-appraisal for cultivating employability, but they can find, maintain, and change a job successfully.
This study took the in-depth interview of qualitative research. The interviewees were thirteen English (or American) remedial education teachers, six owners and supervisors in the industry of remedial education, and four specialists. After collecting, organizing, and generalizing twenty-three interviewees’ the contents of interview, this study also adopted grounded theory. The outcomes of analysis as follow:
1. The English (or American) remedial education teachers’ fifteen main tasks include
1.1 In accordance with teaching goals, evaluate students’ learning condition to adjust the teaching scheduled progress and teach
1.2 To take charge of planning and implementing for teaching activities
1.3 To set teaching goals, scopes of curriculum, and teaching contents
1.4 To prepare curriculum materials, information and homework
1.5 To comment on and correct students' assignment, give tests to students, and give guidance in study
1.6 To cooperate for participating in teachers’ meetings, training, and exchanging different teaching experiences
1.7 To assist English contests, festival activities, and preparation for enrolling new students
1.8 To establish contact, interact and communicate with students’ parents
1.9 To communicate and operate in coordination with foreign teachers’ teaching
1.10 To assist and tutor students’ exams or homework after class
1.11 To operate and manage a class, and set class orders
1.12 To follow the trail of teaching results
1.13 To teach and announce students’ life regulation and character education
1.14 To give consideration to students’ safety
1.15 To teach in the different kind of classes
2. After encoding the English (or American) remedial education teachers’ interview contents, this study finds out forty-seven key behaviors and generalizes seventeen employability. The necessary employability is “customers’ service”, and the full employability are “communication and expression”, “implementation and practice”, “professional acknowledge and skills”, “problem discovering and solving ”, “suitable personalities and inner characteristics”, “organization and plan”, “good and correct work attitudes and values”, “Interpersonal relationship and interaction”, and “foreign languages”. |