摘要: | 現今資訊科技的發展造就了網路時代的來臨,而社群網站中最具代表性及發展潛力的即為Facebook,故臉書成癮是目前新的網路成癮現象之一。國外調查發現低自尊者有較高的臉書成癮傾向,「臉書成癮」與「自尊」似乎存有緊密的相關性。國內有關「自尊」與「臉書成癮」之相關研究尚屬有限,故本研究主旨探討臺北市高中生「自尊」與「臉書成癮」之現況,再進一步探討「個人背景變項」在「自尊」與「臉書成癮」上的差異情形、自尊與臉書成癮之相關性。更進一步瞭解不同「個人背景變項」與「自尊」對「臉書成癮」的解釋力。
一、 臺北市高中生之「自尊」會因「性別」、「年級」、「學業成績」及「臉書年資」的不同而有顯著差異。經事後比較發現,男性、三年級、71至80分、81分以上的高中生自尊較高。
二、 臺北市高中生之「臉書成癮」會因「性別」、「每日臉書使用時間」及「臉書年資」的不同而有顯著差異。經事後比較發現,女性、每日臉書使用時間在3小時以上、1至3小時、3小時以上、臉書年資4年、5年的高中生臉書成癮傾向較高。
三、 臺北市高中生的「自尊」與「臉書成癮」呈顯著負相關。
四、 臺北市高中生之「每日使用臉書時間:1小時以內」、「每日使用臉書時間:3小時以上」及「臉書年資」與「自尊」對「臉書成癮」具有17%的解釋力。
Today the development of information technology has created the internet era, the most representative and potential networking is Facebook, so” Facebook addiction” is one of the new phenomenon of internet addictions. The survey found that one who has low self-esteem gets higher Facebook Addiction, "Facebook addiction" and "self-esteem" seem to be related closely. The domestic research about this topic is still very rare, so this study is to discuss the current situation about "self-esteem" and "Facebook addiction" of the senior high school students in Taipei City, and furthermore to investigate the explanation of "Facebook addiction" for different "personal background variables" and "self-esteem".
This study used "questionnaire" in the manner of "convenience sampling" to extract the Taipei senior high school students, issued 570 official samples, 563 effective samples are obtained, the return rate is 98.77%. The research instruments include: "Personal basic information questionnaire", "Self-Esteem Scale" and " Facebook Addiction Scale", and to proceed the descriptive statistics, one sample t test, independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, Scheffe, andPearson product-moment correlation and enter multiple regression analysis.
The results of this study are as follows:
1. The "self-esteem" of Taipei senior high school students shows a quite significant difference according to different " gender", "grade", "academic achievements " and "facebook seniority" .
2. Taipei senior high school students’ "Facebook addiction" will show significant differences due to "gender", "daily Facebook using time" and "Facebook seniority".
3. The "self-esteem "and" Facebook addiction " of Taipei senior high school students are negatively correlated.
4. "Facebook daily using less than one hour", " Facebook daily using more than three hours" , "facebook seniority" and self-esteem of the Taipei senior high school students have significant explanation "Facebook addiction" for 17% of variance.
According to the findings of this study, it is recommended the senior high school students do other things to suspend the action on Facebook, such as to chat with classmates and friends, to do outdoor activities, to travel with friends and family on holidays instead of playing Facebook at home, ; it is suggested that parents pay attention to the children of high school whether they enjoy the Facebook too much, spend more time with their children, participate in their children's live, by understanding the children’s life, then they will talk to their parents when they are in trouble.
According to the study, we suggest to talk to the children ordinarily or do the outdoor activities in order to enhance the relationship between parents and children, so that children increase their self-esteem.Moreover, school teachers can keep on taking care of the students of having tendency of low self-esteem and Facebook addiction. |