摘要: | 本文嘗試就「朝鮮義勇隊」與「台灣義勇隊」這兩個在名稱上相類似的組織,來探討「朝鮮、台灣觀」的意義。基本上,朝鮮義勇隊和台灣義勇隊是根據二十世紀中期中國人的「朝鮮、台灣觀」以及中日戰爭客觀形勢的演變而產生的兩支政治功能大於軍事功能的革命隊伍。兩批經歷相類似的歷史進程、同樣的遭遇的異國友人,在大陸秉持著相同信念,爲自己的祖國和故鄉的自由解放而努力;也由於客觀形勢約轉變,朝鮮義勇隊和台灣義勇隊也相繼改編或改組,兩隊也因而走進歷史的陰影中。朝鮮義勇隊的隊長金若山回到朝鮮後,成爲戰後議壇童在野派的大將,終因民族統一問題和對於社會主義的信念而走向平壤;台灣義勇隊的總隊長李友邦回台之後,首先於二二八事件中無端被捕,最後在1952年殞身於「白色恐怖」的魅影。兩個叱吒一時的英雄人物,再度埋沒於政爭和意識型態的糾結之中。
This research investigates the Korean, and the Taiwanese, Voluntary Armies. They were established in the context of the Sino-Japanese War. Their activities were underpinned by Chinese viewpoints on Korea and on Taiwan, in the middle of the twentieth century. This: research suggests that the politica1 function of the Armies was greater than their military function.
In the beginning, they fought together against the Japanese army in Mainland China, for the emancipation of Korea and China. Later, when the Japanese army was gradually defeated, the Korean and the Taiwanese Voluntary Armies were both reorganised, and merged with other military units. As a result, their designations were no longer existent. Their achievements have been written down in history.
The legend continued after the war. The former captain of the Korean Voluntary Armies, Ro-Shan Jin, returned to Korea, and became an acclaimed politician. But he was later denounced by South Korea, from which he eventually fled to North Korea, due to his socialistic belief and viewpoints on the issue of re-unification, after Korea had divided. Similarly, the former captain of the Taiwanese Voluntary Armies, Yo-Bang Lee, was arrested with respect to the Twenty-Eighth-Of-February Event in Taiwan, and executed in 1952, as a victim of the Nationalist government's white-terror, after China and Taiwan had divided.
In the end, the legendary heroes of the war were no longer alive. The history of the Korean, and the Taiwanese, Voluntary Armies was distorted in the political conflict and ideological complex, in the middle of the twentieth century. |