國父孫中山先生是中華民國的創國偉人,但他的光環隨著時代的變遷逐漸失色,國父紀念館是今日臺灣肩負宣揚國父思想與言行最主要的社教機構,她所扮演的角色與中國大陸獲釋世界各地的中山先生紀念館不同,除了靜態的展覽,被動的參與之外,她必須站在社教的立場,推出各種不同型態的活動與宣傳,來吸引社會大眾對孫中山先生的興趣與注意力。尤其是對在臺灣土生土長,年輕的下一代,隔離的政治環境使他們無法產生對中山先生的向心力與認同感,多元的社會生態使他們沒有多餘的時間與精力來關心早期革命曆史,今天最能吸引年輕一代的當然是電腦資訊、是電玩熱舞,但是仍有不少人對民俗或本土有關的東西有興趣,因此中山先生思想言行的宣揚必須與民俗、本土相結合,從社教的角度來看,就是歷史與教育結合,過去與現代結合。 本文特別從「孫中山先生在哪裡?」、「孫中山先生與臺灣歷史」、「孫中山先生與傳統中國」、「孫中山先生與臺灣建設」四個角度,嘗試將中山先生與現實環境,與臺灣本土、與中國民俗、與臺灣建設結合起來,希望為中山先生的社教地位建立一個新的空間。
Dr. Sun Yat-sen established the Republic of China. But, during the society's transformation, his honor has become less important. Today Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is a social and education organization, and is responsible for advocating Sunology. The Memorial Hall itself needs to provide not only artworks exhibitions but also variety activities to attractive the youth. Therefore, they can get to know more about Dr. Sun. Nowadays, most of our young generation is no longer interested in revolutionary history, but there are still some have crush on it instead of playing computer games rind dancing. Therefore, to propagate Sunology, we should combine folkways and mainland. From the viewpoint of social and educational, that is the connection between history and education, past and now. In this article, I am going to talk about how Dr. Sun improved our daily lives, Taiwanese culture, Chinese folkways and Taiwan development in four view points: "Where is Dr. Sun Yat-sen?" "Sun Yat-sen and Taiwan." "Sun Yat-sen and Mainland China." and "Sun Yat-sen and Taiwan development."