金朝為女真族所建立之朝代,士人在女真統治之下,面臨政治上之變動,可以透過其史學、史學批評、史觀與其詩作之史懷(情懷)來看其歷史思想。其重視歷史之書寫與儒家思想、德政,認為歷史之中心在於義理(真理)、史學之精神在於實錄(直書),而歷史有其鑑戒功能,同時發現具有天命思想。 朝代興替之道(理)在於君臣,為君之道在於仁義,為臣之道在於忠諫,特別重視君王之識人與用人。總之,在女真治下之金代士人,其歷史思想仍是儒家之傳統並無轉變。
Chin Dynasty was founded by Jurchens. Under the ruling of Jurchens, Intellectuals faced political instability. This cold be observed from their historical though, historiography, historical criticism, historical view and historical sentiment of poetry. They emphasis hand-recording of history, respect Confucianism and moral in politics. The center of history was believed to be on truth principle and the spirit of historiography was on the recording of the truth. Meanwhile, warning and though of destiny were also found in their view of history. The principle of alteration of dynasties was based upon the emperors and their minister. An emperor should always bear kindness in mind and a minister should keep loyally entreat. Above all, the emperor should be able to judge the correct person and put him at the proper location. To sum it up, the intellectuals of Jurchen ruled by Chin Dynasty had their historical though based on traditional Confuciancism without change.