蒙古族在十二世紀晚期興起於北方草原,隨著勢力的擴展而建立跨歐亞的帝國, 因之也接觸到多元的民族與文化。在中國的元朝是帝國的核心,而佔多數的民族為漢 族,文化上也是傳統的漢文化。元代的蒙古、色目人與漢文化的關係是歷史上的重要 課題,在文化較高層次的漢學上,蒙古、色目人的漢學已有前輩學者的研究,但也有 作補充的空間。蕭啟慶先生對元代蒙古人的漢學有全面精細的研究,得出學者117人, 筆者就平日讀書的相關資料,又可增補21人,稍稍壯大些陣容。補述的諸人多數的家 庭背景為高官,說明家世是對漢學的研習有所影響,高官家庭有較優的條件,而這些 學者本身在政治地位也以居高官為多,二者間的對應關係與蕭先生的研究相符。漢學 表現上以文學專長者有2人,限於資料之故,大多數人無法知其專長,而列入研習者之 類。此外,相關的是大批參加科舉的蒙古士人及國子生等,當有數萬之多,都是漢學 研習者,其姓名及漢學研習情形則所知甚少,有待往後繼續的探討。
The Mongols emerged as a military force in the grassland in the north of China in late 12th century, and subsequently expanded into an empire that stretched across Europe and Asia. In the course of military campaigns, the Mongols came into contact with a great diversity of nationalities and cultures. During the time, the China-based Yuan Dynasty court was the core of the empire. The Han Chinese people were the ethnic majority, and the traditional Han Chinese culture was the mainstream. The relationship between the Mongols, Semu people, and Han Chinese culture in Yuan Dynasty is an issue of major historical importance. With regard to the more culturally sophisticated realm of Sinology, existing studies on Sinology of the Mongols and Semu people leave some room for further research. Mr. Hsiao Chi-Ching conducted a comprehensive, full-scale research on Sinology of Yuan Dynasty Mongols, and identified 117 Sinology scholars. The author of this paper, based on personal readings, identified another 21 Sinology scholars, extending the bracket by a little. Most of the 21 Sinology scholars identified by the author of this paper had family members who were high-ranking officials, which means that family background may have some effect on a person’s learning of Sinology and that the families of high-ranking officials were more privileged in this regard. Most of these scholars were high-ranking officials themselves. This finding about the causal relationship between family background and Sinology learning was also identified in the study conducted by Mr. Hsiao. Of these scholars, two were specialized in literature. Due to limitations of the scope of information, the author was unable to identify the specialty of most of these scholars, and therefore could only classify them as researchers. In addition, there were tens of thousands of Sinology researchers back then who were Mongol civil servants taking the imperial examination or members of the Imperial Academy. Very little about their names and Sinology learning is known and therefore further research is warranted.