摘要: | 張衡〈二京賦〉是漢代京都大賦中「長篇之極軌」,雖同樣以長安和洛陽為描寫的對象,但賦中出現不少新的事物,其中以雜技與角觝百戲之演出盛況,最為突出。〈二京賦〉中所提到的百戲項目,包括:角觝、扛鼎、走索、尋橦、衝狹、跳丸弄劍、幻術、獸戲、假面戲、化裝歌舞等樂目。但文字描述有限,很難令人觀想其演出實況。幸近三、四十年來,已大量出土了一批又一批的漢代畫像磚與畫像石,裡面有很多百戲表演的圖像,本文試以出土的實物證諸文獻記載,使經由文字所描述的內容,可以更具體而生動的呈現出來。〈二京賦〉中所提,雖僅及其戲目之犖犖大者,但卻是當時最普遍、最流行的百戲。今從中提出與「手技」相關的項目,例如:一.跳丸弄劍、二.扛鼎、三.轉石.另外加上「衝狹」一項,試論其內容與淵源流變。
Chang Heng's Two Capital Odes is “an excellent one” of the great odes describing capitals of Han Dynasty, although which was same to describe Chang An and Lo Yang, there were many new matters shown in the Odes, especially the grand occasion of performing acrobatics, wrestling and variety shows were most outstanding. The items of variety shows mentioned in Two Capital Odes include wrestling, lifting a tripod, tight-rope walking, going through a sward ring, pole climbing, playing balls and tossing swords, magic, animal shows, mask trick and masquerade. However, the written description is limit, it's hard to imagine the real situation of performances. Fortunately, in recent three and four decades, a lot of portrait bricks and stones were unearthed increasingly, among which there are many drawings about the performance of variety shows. The purpose of this text is to use the unearthed artifacts to testify the literatures in order to present the described contents more concrete and actively. Although the variety shows mentioned in Two Capital Odes were conspicuous, they were most popular in that time. The items among which related to “hand tricks”, such as 1. Playing balls and tossing swords. 2. Lifting a tripod and 3. Turing a stone in addition to going through a sward ring are hereby presented in order to discuss their contents, origin and change. |