摘要: | 魯迅談到《紅樓夢》,說其「續作及翻案奮起,各竭智巧。」是以,一部悲金悼玉的《紅樓夢》或者被看成一部變相的春秋經,處處充滿了褒貶。其在人物觀照上,有尊薜抑林者;亦有右黛左釵者,各持己見。而俞平伯則提出「釵黛合一」的更高的綜合典型,認為書中釵黛并現,若兩峰對峙,雙水分流,各極其妙,莫能相下。本文即由釵玉的命名、釵玉的登場、釵玉的性格、釵玉的韻作、釵玉在曲謎中的象徵、釵玉的分身、釵玉的居所、釵玉的體質以及黛玉、寶釵與寶玉的三角情緣等各層面,作一對照析論,並由俞平伯的「雙美合一」觀點澄明瀟湘及蘅蕪在《紅樓夢》中的角色扮演。
Generally considered to be the greatest of all Chinese novels, HungLou Meng (Dream of the Red Chamber), is a world literary masterpiece. Moreover, many different approaches on Hung-lou Meng exhibit important advances. Yu P'ing-pao, for instance, offered an interesting interpretation of Hung-Iou Meng primarily based on creating an ”Ideal Woman”. By this saying, Mr. Y u tried to unit two contrasting worlds which were originally rooted in Pao-yu's mind. These two worlds, the ”Love world” and the ”Lust world” , also can be identified as the” Utopian world” and the ”w odd of reality” . A discussion of this comment, therefore, appears in my essay especially according to several aspects, such as these two women's naming, their apparents, their poems, their behaviors, their substitutes, their living quarters, their inferiorities, also their spirits. . . tc. Then, the suggestion that let those characters come to themselves should not be ignored. |