自從人造衛星出現之後,又爲地圖投影學開闢了一個嶄新的研究領域,那就是太空投影(Space projection)之間世。太空投影所要研究的對象,是要解決由星載衛星探測器所獲取之地理資訊究應用什麼投影法將其記錄在圖像的平面上,同時還要能夠直接在平面的地圖上顯示衛星飛行的軌跡。本文主旨,就是闡述現代地圖投影學研究發展的新趨勢,並探討上述兩個問題所涉及的投影原理與實用價值。
In the era of satellites, space projection has open another new horizon for map projections. Two questions it aims to solve are first, what projected method can be used to record on the image surface the geographic information obtained by sensors. And secondly, how to show the satellite tracking on the map itself.
In this article I will illuminate the new development of modern map projections, discussing especially the projection principles and practical values involved in the two questions mentioned above.