The religiousness of Confucianism could be traced to the patriarchal ethics that originated in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Ethical morality was the ethics and order of heaven, while ”heaven” entailed monarchial power and man's transcendental moral nature. With the metaphysical belief in the correspondence between heaven and man, the fundamental and ultimate issue for Confucianism was how to self-consciously cultivate the virtue of heavenly mandate into the virtue of gentlemen, sages and saints and then fulfill man's perfect personality. Therefore, with its unity of the virtues of heaven and man, its spiritual cultivation and the ultimate values of its spirituality, Confucianism was genuinely religious. Taoism was a domestic religion richer in form and content. Confucianism and Taoism originated respectively in Lu's learning and Qi's learning of the ancient time, while there were always associations, absorption and expansion in between during their developments. To different degrees, Confucianism and Taoism had the reasonableness and realism of religious philosophy. Informed by the historical contexts of how Confucianism was humanized in the Pre-Qin Period and religionized in the Han Dynasty as well as how Taoism absorbed traditional Confucian ethics in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, here we take Ruan Ji and Ji Kang as examples to demonstrate how the Wei and Jin scholars stuck to their belief in the true nature of Confucian ethics while, after such belief was seriously frustrated by real and dark politics, they followed the Wei and Jin metaphysics because of the evils and pains of their time as well as their inability to fulfill their missions. With the mutual absorption and assimilation between Confucianism and Taoism, the Wei and Jin scholars discovered the central values of their life through their belief, found hope in the transcendental spiritual life and came up with the courage, faith and vitality to relieve themselves of sins and pains, even when they were drowned in the reality of sins and pains.