摘要: | 竹林七賢所處的時代係一政治鬥爭劇烈,朝榮夕滅,人心惶惶,面對強權當道,是非不清,公理不明的偽名教之治,動輒得咎,災禍臨身,人人面對無常的政治動亂,無奈的茫然,也無力扭轉個人的時代命運。事實上七賢在漢代四百年的尊經尊孔的大環境下,原本都浸潤於儒家經學,而深植忠孝仁義的道德觀念,雖處多難的亂世,但是他們大體上皆能潔身自愛而不苟同於流俗,才獲致「七賢」的「賢」者名譽,但是,志在由仁義行,有道德自覺的這一名士集團,面對當權政客造立仁義外在規範,以名教為挾制世人自由,威迫利誘的黑暗勢力,他們只得求助於道家的處事智慧,一方面虛靜恬淡自處以明哲保身地避禍;另方面則以老子廓然大公,無私、無執的無為,順自然之治來婉轉規勸心懷不軌,利用儒家道德禮法為政治工具的野心政客。他們在個人養生、處事、論社會倫理及表達批判性的政治議論上,從各自的生活境遇和心態調整中,合情合理的擇取《老子》書中具當下啟發性的人生和政治智慧。本文針對《老子》書的文本,對照七賢中有留下涉及老子言論的論述予以紮實的文獻分析及諸般哲理的活用,期能持之有據,言之成理的疏理,証成阮籍、稽康和山濤所具有的老子思想。
The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove lived in a time of violent political conflicts, transitional dynastic changes, fears, domination by great powers, confusion of right and wrong rule by unjust and false Confucian ethical codes, when people were blamed frivolously, suffered from disasters and catastrophes, felt helpless with their destinies in face of uncertain political rackets and chaos. As a matter of facts, under the influence of the Han Dynasty, which worshiped Confucius and the Confucian Classics, the seven sages were immersed in Confucianism and the moral virtues of loyalty, filialness, benevolence and justice. Though living in the worst of time, they were largely noble in character and abstained from the mainstream corruption, which brought them the name of seven ”sages.” However, confronted with the coercion and temptation by the ruling politicians in the name of benevolence, justice and Confucian ethical codes, they could not but turn to Taoist wisdom in dealing with people and worldly affairs. On the one hand, they led a quiet life to avoid calamities; on the other hand, with boundless impartiality, selflessness, non-posession and non-action, they adroitly persuaded those ambitious politicians who used Confucianism as a political tool.With regards to self-health, attention to worldly affairs, social ethics and critical political agenda, they reasonably extracted inspiring wisdom about life and politics from ”Laotze”, based on their personal encounters and states of mind. This article is to compare the text of ”Laotze” with the related statements by the seven sages, making a solid documental analysis and philosophical applications, in wishes that we can justify ”Laotze” 's influence on Ruan Ji, Ji Kang and Shan Tao through evidential and convincing argument. |