本文以2000年至2009年期間,美國的有關藏學博碩士論文(自然科學領域除外)為主要討論對象,並輔以具代表性學者的研究成果等之評論及分析等,希藉由上述途徑,瞭解美國藏學研究的發展趨勢。美國各大學的藏學研究,以宗教、人類學及歷史領域為主,三項合計超過藏學博碩士論文總數的八成,其中以前二項宗教與人類學領域為主流趨勢。至 2000年以後的十年,歷史類別的篇數驟降,對於清代以前的西藏歷史,已乏人問津矣。 文中並評論了具代表性的戈德斯坦(Melvyn C. Goldstein)、白貴思(Christophor I. Beckwith)、史伯嶺(Elliot Sperling)、塔特爾(Gray Tuttle)、金.史密斯(Ellis Gene Smith)、華倫史密斯(Warren W. Smith Jr.)等學者專家的論著。從中理解了美國的藏學研究的發展情況,且隱然成為西方世界龍首的原因。
This paper discusses the dissertations from 2000 to 2009 of Tibetan studies in the United States, supplemented by some analysis of representative researchers. The main purpose of this paper is to give readers the picture of Tibetology in America. Religious, anthropological and historical area-based research account for 80% of Tibetan studies in U.S. universities. And the former two are now in the spotlight. From 2000 until now, there is a drastic decrease in the number of paper in history category, showing that researchers pay less attention to the history of Tibet before the Qing Dynasty. This paper also gives comments on treatises of some representative researchers, such as Melvyn C. Goldstein, Christophor I. Beckwith, Elliot Sperling, Gray Tuttle, Warren W. Smith Jr., and Ellis Gene Smith. America has its unique way in the development of Tibetology, hence we can know the reasons why America is now gradually taking the lead in Tibetology among Western world.