≪甲斐山梨郡菱山邨大瀧山不動寺畧緣起≫此書原稿收藏於東洋大學附屬白山圖書館(東京‧白山)。由於此本書籍尚未被翻印,本稿主要以圖版刊載、翻印及考察等進行研究。現存於山梨縣甲州市勝沼鎮菱山的大瀧山不動尊像歷史背景,可回朔至養老三(719)年。除此之外, 元慶四(880)年間,同樣位於菱山地區的三光寺第七代住持,金海和尚夢見神明托夢表示「東北方有座大瀑布,將三光寺的不動明王像安座在那」緣由是這樣開始的。本稿主要以上述記事及資料介紹等為中心,並更進一步探討三光寺改信淨土真宗後,沒再繼續進行的護摩修法(焚燒加持)。以及在那之後三光寺的護摩修法(焚燒加持)變遷等全部列入考察研究。
This book『KAI YAMANASIGUN HISHIYAMAMURA ŌTAKIYAMA HUDŌJI RYAKUENGI』is from Tōyō University's library (Tōkyō‧HakuSan). The paper aims to investigate the book-KAI YAMANASIGUN HISHIYAMAMURA ŌTAKIYAMA HUDŌJI temple's history and in terms of non-reprint part to do research of printed matter published and reprinted. Now, ŌTAKIYAMA of Katsunumachō Hishiyama Kōshu, Yamanashi from Japan Joss' history is achieved in 719. And in 880, the same place of Linshan, Sankuang temple's seventh generation abbot-JunHai Buddhist monk described that it happened from when he dreamed about the god and t he god told him "put the joss on the northeast of Great Falls". Above-mentioned informations, the paper is improve in the Sankuang temple toanalysis about it couldn't change the religious belief and burn (Sanskrit: Homa). In term of the temple's transition to analyze and discuss.