(一)、以乳酸菌發酵提升芝麻粕與雞血之混合物應用於家禽飼料之價值 本研究旨在利用乳酸菌種發酵芝麻粕與雞血之混合物,藉以提升其應用於家禽飼料之營養價值。第一年首先評估現有的菌株之蛋白質分解能力與抑菌能力,再篩選出能分解植酸及纖維的菌株,並釐定其最佳的發酵條件,包含pH值、溫度與芝麻粕-雞血之間乾基的比例,以供第二年度進行大批發酵時能達到效率提升之目的,與後續動物試驗檢測取代大豆粕或魚粉的效果,完成新興原料的開發。 (二)、因應氣候變遷之多元化禽畜飼料資源與營養配方開發研究-樹薯替代玉米為家禽能量飼料之研究 本計畫擬延續已完成計畫,繼續探討樹薯於家禽飼料原料之利用性評估,並進一步分析國內民間現有之品種。收集民間樹薯品,進行其種原鑑定,並進行蛋雞飼養試驗以測定樹薯取代蛋雞飼料中玉米之可用比例及蛋雞生產性能及雞蛋品質等。預期可以推廣樹薯成為家禽能量飼料之原料,並提升農民之選擇活化休耕地之種植選項。 (三)、廢菇包添加樹薯粉及青割玉米製作肉牛用青貯料之研究 利用廢菇包添加樹薯粉及青割玉米調製成青貯飼料以餵飼荷蘭閹公牛之飼料價值測定。依拉丁方格之試驗設計,以4頭荷蘭乳牛之閹公牛置於個別餵飼欄,分別餵予佔芻料乾物量0、25、50、75%之金針菇廢菇包添加樹薯粉及青割玉米以取代百慕達或盤固拉乾草。試驗飼糧之芻料乾物量佔總餵料量之70%,精料佔30%。以牛隻採食量、粗蛋白質與能量之消化率等估測廢菇包添加樹薯粉及青割玉米之青貯料餵飼肉牛之飼料價值。
(1)、Elevating the value of mixture consisting of sesame meal and chicken blood applied to poultry feed by lactic fermentation The aim of this study is to elevate the value of mixture consisting of sesame meal and chicken blood applied to poultry feed by lactic fermentation. Firstly, the proteolytic and antibiotic abilities of current lactics stains will be estimated and then their abilities degrading phtate and/or fiber will be checked. Secondly, the best fermentive conditions including pHvalue, temperature and the ratio of dry matter betwwen sesame meal and chicken blood will be determined for chosen ones in the first year. The conditions will be applied to the fermentation of large batches to investiagte the replacement percentage of the fermentation product to soybean meal or fish meal by animal experiments to complete the resaerch and development of the new feedstuff in the sencod year . (2)、Study of the use of energy feedstuff-cassava as corn replacement for poultry feed The purpose of this project is to extend the previous finding of using cassava as energy feedstuff for poultry feed. Cassava collected from farmers from different area in Taiwan will be cultivated and harvested, analyzed for their compositions and genetic diversity. Animal feeding trial will be done using cassava on laying hen to determine the percentage of corn replacement. The results can be used to extend the use of cassava in poultry feed and to offer the farmers a new choice for crop cultivation. (3)、Study of silages made from mushroom culture residue supplemented with cassava meal and cutting corn for beef cattle The value of silage feed based on mushroom culture residues (MCR) added with casava meal and forage corn into diets for feeding beef cattle is estimated by using Holstein steers. According to Latin square design, 4 animals are arranged into 4 dietary treatments, each containing either 0, 25, 50 or 75% MCR combining with casava meal and forage corn to replace Bermuda or pangola hay into diets so that the ratio of roughage to concentrate is 70:30% on dry matter basis. The feed value of the silage made from MCR added with casava meal and forage corn into diets is evaluated by feed intake and digestibilities of nutrients such as crude protein and energy.