近年來政府大力推動文化創意產業,提升了消費者對美學的見識與鑑賞能力,因此 環境美學和消費者美學體驗的議題逐漸受到重視,美感的運用所興起的一股風潮,帶來 美學成為了臺灣的新顯學也是一種競爭力。然而隨著消費者美感水準的提升,國際觀光 旅館中式餐廳除了提供基本的美味料理及貼心服務之外,更強調消費者也能在其所在的 餐廳環境中獲得感官上的高質感美學感受。而其環境也逐漸由強調服務本身,轉變成為 一種隨著消費者的習性而形成的美學場域,藉由整合全套的氛圍規劃、場域設計,形塑 出消費者所嚮往的美學產品。因此,本計晝擬針對國際觀光旅館中式餐廳餐廳場域的氛 圍設計與消費者體驗因素進行研究,透過「模糊德菲法(FDM)」、「層級分析法(AHP)」 與「最小平方法(PLS)」兩階段的質化與量化方式,建構與分析國際觀光旅館中式餐廳 場域設計與消費行為之指標,驗證本研究提出的研究模型,並作為餐飲產業管理者場域 設計與行銷經營之參考。 In the past few decades there is a stream of research focusing on the effects of environment. Especially in the service businesses such as hotels, restaurants and retailing stores. When people come in these places, they do not come merely for the ‘product’,but the combined atmospheric experience a place provided that enhances their perceived service quality, emotional response and perceived value. We choose international hotel Chinese restaurants to be our research subject, because they have higher motivation to differentiate from their competitors and are likely to devote more resources to improve the atmospherics. There are many atmospheric factors addressed by researchers in the literature (e.g., ambience condition, spatial layout, equipment functionality, aesthetic design). However, few of the literature have discussed the relative importance among each factors. This research intend to fulfill this gap by implementing a two-stage analysis. In the first stage, we will apply Delphi method and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) to decide and prioritizing relevant atmospheric criteria and hierarchy structure. In the second stage, we will apply partial least square path modeling technique to verify our proposed research model. The result should contribute to academic entities with a new perspective of viewing restaurant atmospherics. Meanwhile, practitioners can use the result of our research straight to evaluate or improve the atmospherics, and thus enhance customers’ overall experience.