熱帶對流經常伴隨著強烈的垂直運動,由低層輻合帶來的暖濕空氣被上升氣流帶往高空,衝破融化層後繼續成長至對流層頂形成深對流。早期分析熱帶對流常用的資料來自於短期的實驗計畫,受限於觀測地區之範圍與觀測時期之長短,資料的解析度、連續性及完整性較差。近年來常用的再分析資料及衛星資料,則因資料已透過模式處理,受到模式初始值的影響,包含許多的不確定性。 由於台灣夏季對流旺盛,接近熱帶對流的特徵,同時擁有長期且時空解析度高的觀測資料,提供了獨特的機會研究深對流的垂直結構。本研究將利用台灣特有的地面雷達資料及氣象局測站資料,找出雷達回波垂直空間分布與熱對流降水強度之間的關係。同時針對台灣附近地區,比對由衛星資料反演之氣柱水氣量、雲水含量、降水強度等,找出水氣變數與降水強度之間的關係。此研究結果將可用於評估對流參數化方法的表現,有助於未來台灣氣候模式的開發與改進。 Tropical convection often develops to the tropopause with strong vertical motion. Moisture carried by low-level inflows is pumped to the middle troposphere and deep convection develops. In the past, the analysis of tropical convection relied on measurements from field campaigns which are limited to small areas and short in the time period. Recently, some studies analyzed reanalysis and satellite data and found that there are many uncertainties between these datasets due to the model initial guess or the algorithms that process the raw signals. Summer convection in Taiwan is strong and similar to that in the tropics and we have long-term measurements that have high resolution in space and time. It provides us a unique opportunity to investigate the vertical structure of tropical convection. We propose to use surface radar reflectivity and station data from the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) to find the vertical distribution of radar reflectivity in response to the precipitation rate. We will also compare satellite data and build the connection between moisture factors (such as columnar water vapor, liquid water content) and precipitation rate. The result of this study may be used to evaluate the performance of convection parameterization and help on developing and improving climate models.