摘要: | 研究背景、研究問題及研究目的 企業在銷售產品時同時支持善因機構的行銷活動謂之善因行銷(cause-related marketing),成功的善因行銷對企業、善因機構及消費者都是有益的(Varadarajan and Menou, 1988),同時善因行銷是企業社會責任表現的一環,因此企業如何成功地善因行銷已成為學術 上及實務上的重要議題。 過往善因行銷的研究主要經由品牌、善因機構及善因行銷活動等面向,探討促成善因 行銷成功的因素,包含品牌態度、善因品牌配適度、善因行銷動機、訊息來源、善因型態、 捐贈金額或型式以及善因涉入等。有效的善因行銷的基礎在於消費者對於善因行銷所隱含之 “慈善”意涵的相信(Varadarajan and Menon,1988),消費者對於善因行銷的兩個主體品牌及善 因的認同應該有助於“慈善”的相信,可能影響善因行銷的成功,然而相關研究相當欠缺,因 此本研究導入品牌及善因認同,以了解其在善因行銷中的角色。其次,道德認同亦為一種消 費者認同,本研究將其導入以了解是否具有干擾效果。 本研究的主要目的在發展及檢驗品牌、善因及道德認同影響善因行銷產品行為意圖的 模式,以了解品牌及善因認同影響善因行銷產品行為意圖的直接及間接途徑,以及消費者道 德認同的干擾角色,以提升模式的有效性,了解消費者認同如何促成善因行銷的成功。 研究方法: 以大學學生為研究對象,將進行2個正式調查,調查1及2分別以快速消費品及耐久 消費品為善因行銷產品,以虛擬情境操弄善因行銷活動,每個調查採用3個母品牌及3個善 因組合設計成9個版本的善因行銷活動廣告。採用驗證性因素分析檢驗效度,以Cronbach’ a檢驗信度,並以結構方程模式(SEM)檢驗研究假設。 研究重要性與預期貢獻: 本研究探討品牌、善因及道德認同如何影響善因行銷的行為意圖(購買及口碑傳播意 圖),以彌補現有文獻的不足,整合消費者認同及善因行銷兩個研究領域的知識。實務上, 協助行銷經理人了解高品牌及善因認同不但確保善因行銷的成功,同時可以成為善因行銷 夥伴選擇上的一個強力指標。此外,在推出善因行銷時,除了對於不同道德認同區隔的消 費者應差異化,並且需與時俱進推出適當的行銷活動,才能提升善因行銷的效益。 Research background, problems and purposes: Cause-related marketing (CRM) refers as the process that firms link product sales to support of a charity or a cause. Successful CRM improves firm performance, supports a social cause and benefits consumers (Varadarajan and Menou, 1988). In addition, CRM falls into the larger class of corporate social responsibility programs. Therefore, how to succeed in CRM has become an importantly academic and pragmatic issue. Previous studies have focused on the factors that enhance the success of CRM including brand attitude, brand-cause fit, motivations of CRM, information source, types of causes, donation types and amount, and cause involvement. The success of CRM depends on consumer’s belief of “charity” the CRM implied (Varadarajan and Menon, 1988). Consumer identification to both identities of CRM (brand and cause) may affect the belief of “charity” and thus enhance the success of the CRM. However, there is a lack of studies on the role of brand and cause identification in CRM. In addition, moral identification is also one of consumer identifications. The study intends to examine the moderating effect of moral identification. The main purpose of this study is to develop a model to propose how consumer’s brand, cause and moral identification influences the behavior intention (purchase and word-of-month) toward the products sold in CRM. The model demonstrates both direct and indirect paths that brand and cause identification relate to the behavior intention. In addition, the moderating effect of moral identification is investigated in order to enhance the validity of the model. This model intends to explain how consumer identification makes the CRM successful. Research methods: Samples are university students. We will carry out two studies. Study 1 uses fast-moving consumer goods and study 2 uses durable consumer goods as products sold in CRM. Both studies manipulate CRM with fictitious scenarios. Each study uses 3 brands and 3 causes and each brand is paired with each cause. Thus, each study yields 9 versions of scenarios. The CRM will be presented to respondents in the form of a print advertisement. This study will use confirmatory factor analysis to examine validity and Cronbach’ a to check reliability and structural equation model to examine hypotheses. Research importance and expected contributions: This study examines how brand, cause and moral identification influence behavior intention toward products sold in CRM and expands the extant literature of consumer identification and CRM. In managerial practice, this study helps marketing managers understand that high brand and cause identification does not only ensure the success in CRM but also provide a strong indicator in selecting partners (brands or causes). Moreover, when launching a product in CRM, firms should segment consumers with different moral identification and use different foci of marketing activities to increase the effectiveness of CRM. |