摘要: | 現今高齡化、少子化、單身化已影響到傳統家庭照顧的功能,慢性病急性發作期後導致之部份失能也衍生出長期照顧的需求,政府極關注此問題,因此機構式照顧在近幾年多已正常化、合法化,但法令僅以最低安全標準及照顧人力來規範,故機構照顧有些許不理想、游走法令邊緣與不合理的現象存在。內政部推出既有建築智慧化補助後,陸續有機構通過申請而改善照護設施及機構設施設備。本研究先以相關法令、文獻等資料得到老人福利機構目前的照顧概況及相關智慧化設施設備應用,並彙整出實證案例的改善手法,後續針對實證案例作觀察與問卷以發現導入智慧化設施設備後使用問題,再就現況普遍存在之議題歸納並提出老人福利機構智慧化之課題與對策。彙整研究報告做為後續老人福利機構智慧化改善的參考依據。
第一章 確立研究緣起、動機、目的、範圍、內容及擬定研究步驟、方法、流程,以利後續研究進行。
第二章 整理歸納分析老人福利機構及智齡照護相關智慧化設備發展應用與老人福利機構導入智慧化案例等法規和文獻,以建立研究理論架構。
第三章 本研究以受導入智慧化補助之老人福利機構為例,進行實地觀察,並就其使用成效、使用障礙、使用前後差異與建議進行問卷調查。
第四章 驗證導入智慧化使用問題與機構普遍現存議題,進而提出老人福利機構智慧化之課題與對策。
第五章 提出結論與建議,以供老人福利機構導入智慧化科技之參考依據。
With an elderly society, low birth rate and low marriage rate, traditional family caring functions have been compromised. Partial disabilities due to post-acute attacks from chronic disease patients incur into even more needs for long-term caring. Institutional caring mechanisms have been normalized and legalized in recent years as a result of high concerns expressed by the authorities. With the regulations only demanding minimum levels of security standards and manpower, there are inevitably some circumstances less than ideal, even some practices that skirt around the law. With funding by the Ministry of the Interior for the induction of intelligent facilities in public buildings, a few institutes have applied for funding and have been renovated with improved caring facilities. This investigation is first based on the conditions of elderly welfare institutions and their use of intelligent facilities, acquired through relevant regulations and documents. The second part of the investigation includes actual cases of renovations, with on site observations and questionnaire summarization. The third part of the investigation incorporates common elderly welfare problems and proposes possible solutions for elderly welfare institutions. In the light of this might serve as a reference for post- inductions of intelligent facilities for elderly welfare institutions.
The investigation is relayed in the following five chapters:
Chapter One: constitute investigation motives, aims, scopes, contents, proposed research procedure, methods, process.
Chapter Two: establish research theoretical framework. Summarize and analyze the cases, regulations and documents concerning induction of intelligent facilities in elderly welfare institutions.
Chapter Three: the investigation is based on observations of elderly welfare institutions facilitated with intelligent facilities, questionnaires on the effects, obstacles, before vs. after comparison and recommendations.
Chapter Four: verify the common problems concerning the induction of intelligent facilities, and propose the relevant solutions.
Chapter Five: conclusion and proposal serve as a reference for post-inductions of intelligent facilities to elderly welfare institutions. |