本研究以紀登斯(Anthony Giddens)「結構化理論」探討中國大陸「微博反腐」改變社會結構效應的現象。使用的三個案例分別是:「雷政富案」、「劉鐵男案」與「宋林案」。研究結果發現,舉報者在「網路能動性傳播」五個項目中,共通性模式雷同。在「黨國、官媒與網民之互動模式」方面則顯示出,黨政仍控制官媒的反應,一旦反腐消息釋出,官媒與非官媒即大肆報導,追蹤放大。其次,在「互聯網反腐與中共黨國改革」方面則意外發現,中共因網民的反應而自覺,改善社會上既定反貪制度,做到了順應民意,這是過去極權國家所做不到的改變。最後,「黨國、官媒與網路公民權力關係」上,黨國仍加強控制「公民社會」,但是,中國網路公民參與展現了公民能動性與權力,促使原本的「運動式反腐」朝向「法制式反腐」前進。
The study apply Anthony Giddens’s ‘theory of structuralism’ to explore how micro-blogging anti-corruption practice affect social structure and political reform in China. The study finds out Chinese activities on Weibo(one of social media in the intra-internet in China) is in accordance with Giddens’s “agency communication” flows pattern. The research also confirms that the Communist Party of China (CPC) still controls all messages of the official media, non-official media and social media-Weibo as well. The study concludes that CPC strictly supervise the speech activities in the internet civic-society, though the CPC unexpectedly follow the anti-corruption practice of internet users and establish anti-corruption institution within the Party.