本研究以桃園市平鎮國中七、八、九年級學生為調查對象,採問卷調查法,以「國中生網路閱讀行為與網路閱讀素養問卷」為研究工具,發放問卷共計542份,有效問卷538 份,回收率99.3%。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及Pearson積差相關分析等統計方法考驗三項研究假設,研究結果發現如下:
The purpose of the study is to explore e-reading behavior and e-reading literacy among junior high school students, and to compare the differences of e-reading behavior and e-reading literacy among different background variances in order to examine the correlation between e-reading behavior and e-reading literacy.
The participants of this study were the seventh-grade, eighth-grade and ninth-grade students of Ping-Jhen junior high school in Taoyuan City. The study was conducted by a questionnaire survey, "Questionnaire of e-reading behavior and e-reading literacy of Junior High School Students." A total of 542 copies of the questionnaire were distributed for the study, of which 538 copies were effective. The effective rate was 99.3%. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The data analysis results indicated:
1. The Average performance of e-reading behavior and e-reading literacy maintained the middle-upper level.
2. There were significant grade differences of e-reading behavior and e-reading literacy.
3. There were part of significant correlation between e-reading behavior and e-reading literacy.
Based on these conclusions and findings, several suggestions for compulsory education and future studies are proposed.