Investigations reported that sufficient nutrition obtaining can improves both health related fitness and sport performance for active individuals and athletes. However, the statement has not been reported in Viet Nam. Purpose of the present study was designed to clarify the nutrition knowledge and dietary habits levels and assess the relationship between both things of college athletes in Viet Nam. A self-developed structured questionnaire was applied on 272 participants to clarify issues mentioned afore. The prescriptive data was processed with statistical software (SPSS, version 18). Besides, the Pearson Moment Correlation and the independent sample t-test were employed to determine the correlation between nutritional knowledge and diet habits scores and the difference between both genders, respectively. The nutrition knowledge and diet habit scores of all participants were 77.6±7.1 (mean ± SD) and 78.1±8.1, respectively. Both of the standardized scores were classified as good levels. In addition, a positive relationship between nutritional knowledge and dietary habits scores was found (r = .828, p<0.001). Thus, the results not only demonstrate that current Viet Nam college athletes have proper nutritional knowledge and healthy diet habits, but also display a positive relationship between participants’ nutrition knowledge level and healthy diet behavior.