採用採用質性研究(Qualitative Research)途徑,以文獻分析法(Literature Review)為基礎,廣泛蒐集相關文獻作為研究資料的根源,同時使用深度訪談(In-Depth Interview)、焦點團體(Focus Group Interview)研究法,藉以獲得深度資料,並與文獻分析所得結果相互對照,以便有更充分完整的資料及研究根據基礎,祈使分析論證之結果更趨於精密。
(二)文化藝術基金會培育人力,例如: 藝術行政與管理
This study focus on analyzing XIA JING SHAN Art and Culture foundation from the aspect of arts for public service by leveraging a combination of literature references, logical of reasoning and practical experience. Through the research of XIA's life, paintings of Buddha and artistic concept of Chinese calligraphy to further elaborate on the connection between arts for social service and art foundation.
For this study, I used qualitative research method and literature review as the fundamentals to collect extensive information that can ensure a holistic and sophisticated analysis conclusion. To ensure I can effectively collect ample information, in addition to the previously mentioned methods, I also used in-depth interviews, focus groups and cross-referencing.
The conclusion shed light on the following issues:
1. Connections between the three elements of a) establishments of art for social Service and art foundation, b) art management and c) public
2. Future difficulties to be encountered by art and culture foundations:
(1) Source of funding for operation
(2) Talent cultivation, e.g., Arts Management specialists