摘要: | 財團法人中技社創立前期,主要配合國家加速工業化政策,致力引進工程技術新知,尤以協助石化業建廠成果卓著;該社於1979年第一次轉型,成立屢次榮登台灣知名天下雜誌標竿企業TOP 10營建業第1名之C工程股份有限公司,承接原有之工程業務。迄1980年代為了符合宗旨,善盡社會責任,進行第二次轉型,擴編組織,陸續成立觸媒研究中心、能源技術發展中心、污染防治中心及環境技術發展中心等業務單位。惟近年來由於政府預算日趨緊縮,復因該社不願背負與民爭利之嫌,是以放棄承接政府及民間之委辦案件,故自2006年起進行第三次轉型,陸續進行組織改造與人力精簡,以提升營運效益,成功轉型為智庫性質之公益財團法人。
During its early establishment, “CTCI Foundation” was focused on aiding the acceleration of Taiwan industrialization policy by introducing advanced engineering technology; and assisting the petrochemical industry to build plants that achieved a great remarkable result. In 1979, “CTCI Foundation” was approved to separate and start up "C Corporation” to take over its engineering operations, and which later has become a leading EPC firm in Taiwan. As for “CTCI Foundation”, it strove to undertake the task of developing the petrochemical, energy, environmental protection, and other related technology businesses from government agencies and private sectors. However in recent years, due to the tightening government budget, and accusations of conflict of public interest, “CTCI Foundation” has forgone its commission to undertake the cases from government and general public. Since 1990, it has carried out organizational restructuration and manpower streamlined to improve its operation efficiency. “CTCI Foundation” has been successfully transformed itself into a think tank non-profit organization.
By analyzing the information collected through interviews and other related data, I found that after three times of transformations, “CTCI Foundation” currently owns sizable assets, and its funding mainly comes from real estate rental income and other long-term investments. Because of these sufficient and stable funding, “CTCI Foundation” can concentrate on the development of think tank, awarding scholarships, and promoting other public welfare activities. The establishments of think tank and cooperation with the findings from other experts have completed one hundred and seven cases regarding energy and environmental protection issues in recent years. For example: the promoting of green policy for Taiwan’s industry, the study of smog pollution and future cooperation between China and Taiwan, and the development of renewable energy, etc. These success cases can provide vital advices to the government and industry. As for awarding scholarships, “CTCI Foundation” has granted more than billions of dollars to over 3,000 brilliant college students.
After interviewed some staff members (including scholars and experts) and combined reference from key personnel and authority, I would like to make three following recommendations. They are:
1. Establishing a common platform to facilitate mutual benefit cross-strait relationships.
2. Providing perpetual welfare to the society, “CTCI Foundation” needs to improve the flexibility of financial application, increase the interest income, and continuing to invest in blue-chip stocks from financial soundness company with stable dividend income.
3. Strengthen the knowledge and expertise of its staff.
Looking forward to be a role model for all the non-profit organizations in a global economic society, “CTCI Foundation” continues its mission to make greater contribution to the country, and to enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan in the world market. |