摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解大學生網際網路性愛行為的調查研究。本研究以立意取樣,抽取台北市三所公私立大學學生有效樣本,共374名(男女生分別為135人、221人),實施「網路使用行為問卷」,內含基本資料及兩個分量表,即「網際網路性愛篩檢測驗」和「台灣人憂鬱症量表」。資料分析係以統計套裝軟體SPSS 19.0版本為工具,以描述統計、獨立樣本t考驗、Z檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關等統計方法加以分析。茲將研究結果歸納如下:
五、憂鬱程度總分與網際網路性愛行為總分有低度正相關(r = .131)。
This study aimed to understand the investigation of Internet sexual behavior among university students. With the method of purpose sampling, the valid sample of 374 students was selected from three universities in Taipei (males and females respectively 135 people, 221 people). The implementation of Internet use behaviors Questionnaire, including basic information, and two scales, namely Internet Sex Addiction Screening test, and Taiwanese Depression Questionnaire. The statistical package software SPSS 19.0 version as a tool was utilized to analyze collected data for descriptive statistics, t-test, Z-test, one-way ANOVA , and product moment correlation. The study reached the following result:
1.The Internet sexual behavior levels among university students was "no addiction" (44.7%), "mild addiction" (46.5%), and "moderate addiction & severe addition" (8.8%), which in "moderate addiction & severe addition" rate is not high, but still worthy of concern.
2.The rate of internet sexual behavior for males is higher than females.
3.The university students’ outside the network of human relation, alienation is higher than the close on the Internet sexual behavior.
4.The university students’ within a network of human relation, alienation is higher than the close on the Internet sexual behavior.
5.The total internet sexual behavior has low positive correlation with depression degree. (r = .131)
Finally, based on the above study results offered related suggestions to workers, and people who are interested in further studies. |