摘要: | 本研究旨在探討漢字學習活動對初學者學習漢字的正面幫助。漢字的學習與心理認知及字理教學有關,研究者希望透過漢字學習活動的實施與回饋,加深學習者的學習興趣與動機,並提升學習者漢字識音、識義、識寫的能力。研究方法以漢字本體理論為基礎,運用漢字本身的特性與字源、字理,設計五大類型的漢字學習活動包含「識字」、「筆順」、「空間結構」、「部件」、「綜合」活動,將其融入課堂中,使漢字教學生動活潑並富有邏輯性,幫助學習者克服漢字學習的難點。研究為期十二週,每週上課一次,每次二小時,共二十四學時。研究對象為六名非漢字背景的初級華語學習者,計來自美國、英國、澳洲、法國、波蘭、泰國六個國家。根據研究計畫與需求,研究者從教材中選取十一課不同主題的課文,搭配自行設計的講義、漢字學習活動,進行漢字教學之個案研究。每週教學先進行會話教學,之後再進行漢字教學,教學過程透過教材、漢字活動、問卷、訪談、課堂觀察及測驗,以多元化的評量方式進行資料的蒐集與分析。本研究採質化為主、量化為輔的方式分析數據,研究結果顯示,漢字學習活動確能提升學習者的漢字識音、識義、識寫能力,並能增強學習者的學習興趣。在各類型的漢字學習活動中,「識字」與「部件」類型活動能幫助初級學習者漢字認讀,其中最能提升漢字音義能力的活動為「漢字-字音-字義」配對連連看;「部件」活動類型中,「由部件組成一字」活動最能有助於學習者更進一步認識漢字部件的字音與字義。此外「字詞」類型活動裡,「用漢字組詞組句」的學習活動最能提升學習者漢字的識寫能力。
This research is designed to investigate the effects of Chinese character learning activities based teaching method on beginners. The researcher hopes that through the implementation of Chinese character learning activities, it will increase learner’s interest and motivation, while improving learner’s ability to comprehensively understand all aspects of Chinese characters. The research method is based on Chinese character ontology, which implements the characteristics of the Chinese character to five types of Chinese character learning activities which includes “word recognition”, “stroke orders”, “spatial structures”, “components”and “integrations”. By implementing these activities into the classroom, learning experience are expected to become more lively and logical, while assisting learners to overcome the difficulties of learning Chinese characters. The duration of the research is twelve weeks, with one class per week for a total of twenty-four learning hours. The research subjects are six beginners in Chinese-language, which include United States, United Kingdom, Australia, France, Poland and Thailand. Based on the research proposal, the researcher will pick eleven different texts, paired with costumed design materials and Chinese character learning activities to carry on the case study. Each week will begin with speaking and then reading. Researcher will use diverse assessments including materials, Chinese character activities, questionnaire, interviews, classroom observations and exams to collect and analyses data. The research analysis data is primarily qualitative and supplemented by quantitative. The results from the analysis shows the Chinese characters learning activities do significantly improve the subject’s ability to comprehend the Chinese language, and increase the subject’s learning interests. Of all types of Chinese characters learning activities, “word recognition"and “components"activities can help the beginner learn to read, and can improve the subjects ability to comprehend the meaning of Chinese characters. In addition, the word integration activity under “integrations"can enhance the learner's knowledge and writing of Chinese characters. |