目的:探討移居平地之臺灣山地原住民族 (泰雅族) 和平地漢民族在承受高地及急性運動造成紅血球氧化壓力差異之比較研究。方法:研究對象為 14 位泰雅族 (8 位男性與 6 位女性,年齡:19.9 ± 0.4 yr) 與 18 位漢民族 (10 位男性與 8 位女性,年齡:20.4 ± 0.2 yr)。實驗採用次序平衡交叉設計 (balanced cross-over design),隨機分配研究對象在高地環境或平地環境,並以功率腳踏車耐力運動刺激 (45 min at 70 % VO2peak + 90 % VO2peak至力竭) 介入。分析其安靜與運動後恢復至 240 min 的紅血球氧化壓力、氧化傷害與代謝的指標。各項分析所得數據均以平均數 ± 標準誤表示。同一族群以重複量數二因子 (環境*時間) 變異數分析考驗其高地和平地環境的差異程度。同一環境以混合設計二因子 (族群*時間) 變異數分析考驗族群間其差異程度。顯著水準定為 p <.05。結果:高地環境增加兩族群的 RPE (p <.05)、減少 work rate (p <.05) 與 SpO2 (p <.05)、減少泰雅族耐力運動後的 GSH/GSSG (p <.05);耐力運動增加兩族群在平地和高地的 lactate 濃度 (p <.05),減少漢民族在平地的 RBC SOD (p <.05);高地環境增加漢民族 uric acid 濃度 (p <.05)、CK 活性 (p <.05) 與 RBC GPx (p <.05),但減少血漿 glucose (p <.05);無論在平地或高地,泰雅族的 RBC TBARS 較漢民族高 (p <.05),漢民族的 glucose 則高於泰雅族 (p <.05)。RBC CAT 與 RBC carbonyl protein 則無族群與環境的差異。結論:平地的漢民族和泰雅族在高地耐力運動的生理反應相似;但在紅血球的氧化壓力調節方面,漢民族可能因為有較佳的抗氧化能力而有較少的脂質氧化傷害。
PURPOSE: To compare the human RBC oxidative stress in response to high altitude and endurance exercise between upland indigenous (Atayal tribe) and Han Chinese, who live at sea level in Taiwan. METHODS: Fourteen Atayal tribe (8 males and 6 females, age: 19.9 ± 0.4 yr) and 18 Han Chinese (10 males and 8 females, age: 20.4 ± 0.2 yr) were recruited to participate in the study which was a balanced cross-over design. Subjects were randomized exposed to high altitude or sea level, and stressed by ergometer (45 min at 70 % VO2peak + 90 % VO2peak to exhaustion). Blood indicators of RBC oxidative stress and exercise metabolites at resting and time courses till 240 min post exercise were analyzed. All data were expressed as mean ± SEM. The mean differences between altitude and sea level in the same ethnic group were tested by repeated measures two-way (2 environment * 6 time) ANOVA. The mean differences between ethnic groups were tested by mixed design of two-way ANOVA (2 ethnic groups * 6 time). Significant level was set at p <.05. RESULTS: High-altitude environment increased RPE (p <.05), reduced work rate (p <.05) and SpO2 (p <.05) in the both ethnic groups, although reduced GSH / GSSG (p <.05) in Atayal tribe. Endurance exercise increased lactate (p <.05) in the both ethnic groups, reduced RBC SOD (p <.05) of Han Chinese at sea level. High-altitude environment increased uric acid (p <.05), CK activity (p <.05) and RBC GPx (p <.05) in Han Chinese, but decreased plasma glucose (p <.05). Both at sea level and high altitude, RBC TBARS of Atayal tribe was higher than that of Han Chinese (p <.05), glucose of Han Chinese was higher than that of Atayal (p <.05). RBC CAT and RBC carbonyl proteins showed no differences between ethnic groups and altitudes. CONCLUSION: Han Chinese and Atayal tribe had similar physiological responses to endurance exercise at altitude; however, less lipid oxidation damage in Han Chinese may be explained by better antioxidative capacity.