摘要: | 隨著都市發展的快速與都市的轉型,近年來台灣的氣候持續受都市熱島影響,使各地區的產業轉型與都市擴張等衝擊,近年來全球氣候異常,不僅受溫室效應與熱島效應影響,都市與城鄉之間的氣候差異明顯擴大,影響都市的人口外移,居住環境受都市化影響而間接使人們轉居住到非都市地區,使熱島效應下都市之間雨水資源的應用的發展,而是否能測量出與資料比對得出水資源的面積與熱島效應的影響多寡。
從1970 年代開始,當衛星資源不單只供作為軍事用途之後,遙測技術進行熱島效應的研究是相當普遍的方式之一。也開始對於景觀格局網格的空間分析方法與時間序列有所研究,出現許多關於都市熱島效應、表面溫度的遙測研究,進行遙測法等方法的比較與綜合運用。
With the rapid urban development and transformation of the city in recent years, Taiwan's climate sustained by the urban heat island effect, so that industrial restructuring and the impact of urban expansion and other regions in recent years, global climate anomalies, not only by the greenhouse effect and the heat island effect, urban climatic differences between urban and rural areas and significantly expand the impact of urban population relocation, living environment by urbanization and indirectly affect non-urban areas, people turn to live, so rainwater resource development between the urban heat island effect of the application under, and whether We can measure and compare the information obtained in the area of water resources and the amount of heat island effects.
Since the 1970s, when the satellite is for resource not only for military purposes later, telemetry study the heat island effect is one fairly universal way. Also began to landscape pattern spatial analysis and time series grid has studied a lot about urban heat island effect, the surface temperature of the emergence of telemetry studies, compared with the integrated use of remote sensing and other methods.
This study investigated the effect of the urban heat island temperatures Taipei, Taipei, in order to observe the trend of the past two decades, the temperature reference material, and to explore the space environment impact time through satellite images in the message, through the heat infrared light to heat the surface of each index and the empirical formula obtained exhibit a change in trend on the map data, and sets painted correction in GIS, furthermore through Excel chart gradient analysis, to explore the hot temperature and time with space terrain Taipei relationship.
The empirical results of this study temporal analysis can be seen in city effectively changing course. And explore in temperature, heat island patterns Taipei basin by basin topography, rising hot air stream being enveloped, resulting in the sinking of hot air, by the mountain terrain blocking when heat to the basin edge, the effect of the heat island suburbs to the edge of the basin temperature. |