摘要: | 自二十世紀末期,英國開始推動文化創意產的發展,往後各國也紛紛效仿,致力於該產業的發展方針,台灣自2002年也開啟了文化創意產業的政策推動。2013年金融監督管理委員為了加速文化創意產業的發展,提出「金融挺創意產業專案計畫」,期望透過多元的資金管道,以扶植創意產業發展。然而銀行業對於該產業的了解有限,進而影響銀行融資意願,也阻礙了文創產業的發展。
From the late twentieth century on, the United Kingdom started to promote the development of cultural creative industries. Later, other countries followed the UK example to endeavor to set up a policy for these industries. Taiwan also started to push through a policy for cultural creative industries from 2002. And in 2013, in the purpose of helping improve the environment for cultural creative industries to develop, Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C (Taiwan) proposes the plan of Funding Support for Innovation Industries Program, hoping to help the cultural creative industries grow through various financing channels. However, limited by insufficient understanding of these industries, banks are unwilling to finance the cultural creative industries, and thus hinders their developments.
In order to help the cultural creative industries grow and to increase banks’ loan for them, this research will, from a bank professional’s point of view, discuss the risk evaluation key factors of bank's loan to cultural and creative industries. A total of twenty-two formal questionnaires are handed out, and among them, sixteen are collected, which include twelve questionnaires from executive positions. Then, the relative weight of each component and checking criterion are measured with fuzzy analytic network process.
The result shows that, while assessing each component, their relative weight are ranked as: financial component, political factors, intangible assets, management, and future prospect. The first five components are: government subsidies, product market, brand awareness, product novelty, and certified intellectual property rights. |