當各式各樣行動應用皆轉變為手機應用程式(Mobile Application, App)的模式後,讓App與現代人生活變得密不可分,而此情況,在旅遊應用情境中更為顯著。雖然近年有許多研究針對旅遊App進行探討,但有關如何從使用者觀點尋求主要與想要之需求與功能,從而有效將旅遊App客製化並提升使用者滿意度,則鮮少被提及。
Because the development of network location technology has increased the popu-larity of smartphones, various types of mobile application have on smartphone users. Apps are now an essential part of modern life, and tourism apps are among the most popular apps; most smartphones users have used such apps to obtain travel information, maps, and so on.
Numerous recent articles have discussed the adoption of tourism apps; however, less attention has been focused on app attractiveness, which is regarded as a key practi-cal challenge. Therefore, this study used the Kano model to investigate users’ required functions for tourism apps. Through a literature review and pilot study of 300 app users, 18 user requirements were identified and categorized into three Kano model categories: Indifferent Quality (10), Attractive Quality (2), One-dimension Quality (5), and Reverse Quality (1). This paper provides suggestions for tourism app design on the basis of these results.