本論文內容主要為選自羅西尼 ( Gioachino Antonio Rossini ,1792-1868 )、董尼才悌(Domenico Gaetano Mar ia Donizetti , 1797 -1848 )和貝里尼(Vincenzo Bellini , 1801-1835)三位作曲家的藝術歌曲為範疇,作為筆者深入探索及研究的目標, 並實際演唱與詮釋曲目。本文主要分為四個章節: 第一章研究動機與目的、研究範圍和研究方法; 第二章作曲家生平, 詳細的介紹此三位作曲家的生平和創作背景。第三章為樂曲詮釋與分析, 深入的探討與分析樂曲以及演唱詮釋; 第四章結論。
本篇詮釋報告分別挑選了羅西尼的兩首藝術歌曲《承諾》(La promessa)與《阿爾卑斯的牧羊女》( Lapastorella dell’Alpi )、董尼才悌的兩首藝術歌曲《愛與死》(Amore e morte)》與《我想在海邊建造一座房子》(Me voglio fa’na casa )以及貝里尼的兩首藝術歌曲《請隨興的去吧!吾愛! 》(Ma rendi pur contento)與《離棄》(L'abbandono), 筆者冀望透過探討與分析三位作曲家多樣貌的創作風格, 讓自己在音樂詮釋上能夠更全面性的表現三位作曲家作品的不同風貌。
This paper discusses Gioachino Antonio Rossini , 1792-1868,Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti , 1797 -1848 and Vincenzo Bellini ,1801-1835,these three composers of art songs, that the writer could study and presentation the composition.The present study possesses four chapters. The first chapter is to describe the motivation, purpose, material and method of the thesis.The second chapter discusses the presentation of composer’s life and creative background. The third chapter discusses the interpretation and analysis . The last chapter is conclusion.
The thesis includes introductions of the composers and the art songs; Gioachino Antonio Rossini ’s art song < La promessa >and <Lapastorella dell’ Alpi >, Domenico Gaetano Maria Donizetti’s art song < Amore e morte >,and < Me voglio fa’na casa >, Vincenzo Bellini’s art song < Ma rendi pur contento > and < L'abbandono >. The author wish to be more comprehensive to express the different style of these three composers through investigating and analyzing the diversified music style of these three composers.