〈Hsiao te hao〉is one of Qing Dynasty three jokes, It a joke set from the Shi Cheng-Jin book 〈Chuan Jia Bao〉, with first episode and second.episode. That 〈Chuan Jia Bao〉and〈Hsiao te hao〉has many different editions, included in all editions of the joke will increase or decrease. For the sake of a joke without depart from the author's intention to write record. Therefore, this study selected the final inscribe edition when Shi Cheng-Jin alive, Qianlong four years edition〈Chuan Jia Bao〉as research subjects. This edition of 〈Hsiao te hao〉included a total of one hundred fifty-one jokes,this study emendation Qianlong four years edition〈Hsiao te hao〉and analysis of Rhetoric. Statistics six rhetoric, appear most times and can be expressed in moral of the primary research. In addition supplemented by motif, analysis of the relationship between rhetoric, moral and motif.