摘要: | 自我國政府於1949年播遷來臺後,一度禁止兩岸人民相互來往。到1987年11月2日我國政府開放民眾赴中國大陸探親後,才重新啟動後兩岸民間交流的管道。到目前為止的二十多年中,各項民間交流日趨熱絡,其中,兩岸通婚即為民間交流中重要的一環。但是由於兩岸的政治立場因素,我國政府始終保持對中國大陸政府有限度的交流。也由於當中仍有國家安全因素、社會福利因素的考量,及過去中國大陸因經濟狀況不如我國,因此對大陸地區人民因婚姻而來臺居留、定居,以較為嚴格的限制對待。我國有大陸配偶、港澳配偶、外籍配偶的區分,但是對於大陸配偶有差別待遇,又以移民配額控管制度、國籍取得年限、參政權限制尤為嚴格。
本文的研究重點,在於我國素以民主法治的國家自居,又參與各項國際公約,塑造出重視人權的國家形象。但是,在對大陸配偶的對待上,卻又不甚合理。因此本文透過與婚姻移民有關權利的理論與《憲法》的平等權與對婚姻家庭權利的制度性保障,與有關的國際公約如《聯合國憲章》(Charter of the United Nations)、《世界人權宣言》(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR)、《公民與政治權利國際公約》(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, ICCPR)、《經濟社會文化權利國際公約》(International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ICESCR)進行爬梳,整理出對婚姻移民的人權保障依據。另外,也透過我國對大陸配偶、港澳配偶、外籍配偶的差別待遇,探討差別待遇是否合理。也參酌先進國家的立法例,或與我國背景類似國家的立法例,整理出其他國家值得借鏡之處。最後透過《憲法》及相關國際人權公約對於人權保障的依據,檢視移民配額控管制度、國籍取得年限、參政權限制的合憲性。
Since the ROC relocated its government to Taiwan in 1949, the contact between people in Taiwan and Mainland China was once prohibited. The ROC government declared that people are allowed to visit family members in Mainland China on November 2, 1987, and then the channel of unofficial contact was reopened. People in Taiwan and Mainland China have more and more chance to contact in different aspects, and one of the important parts of these contacts is through marriage. Due to the political situation between Taiwan and China, the ROC government has limited contact with Mainland China government. And the concerns of national security, social welfare plus the comparatively weak economy of China in the past, these factors shaped strict limits on Mainland China spouses, especially on numerical limitations, period for naturalize, limitations of political participation rights.
This dissertation focus on differential treatment to Mainland China spouses, so This dissertation explore through equality, protection of the constitutional system about marriage and family, Charter of the United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This dissertation also sort out immigration policy of other countries and compare the differential treatment with Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, other foreign spouses. Then this dissertation apply strict scrutiny test on numerical limitations, period for naturalize, limitations of political participation rights to view that those policy fit the constitutionality or not.
Result display that immigration policy of ROC on numerical limitations, period for naturalize, limitations of political participation rights are not fit the constitutionality. So this dissertation advise ROC should amend the laws have discriminate against Mainland China spouses and reward researches on the legal system of immigration. |